Why Do So Many Brits Move To The US?


Moving abroad is a bold but exciting decision. Many Britons also have good reasons for wanting to leave and refresh their lives elsewhere. 

Of course, there are many reasons brits might proudly remain on their home turf. Things like the absence of guns and access to the NHS are big draws to remain. Still, two-thirds of workers have aspirations to one day head elsewhere for a better life, and many of that number will undoubtedly look to the US. The reasons for giving up the good parts of the UK must be larger in scope.  

But what are these reasons? Why are so many brits living in the US already? If you’re on the fence about making such a move yourself, could other’s reasoning give you the final push you need? Read on for some of our musings on why so many brits seem to move to the US. 

The Cost-of-Living Crisis

Bad politics and turbulent economics go hand-in-hand. While no nation is perfect, the sharp decline in living standards in the UK is very hard to ignore.  

Google searches of ‘moving abroad’ reached all-time highs earlier in the year due to the cost-of-living crisis. As the US economy moves from strength to strength, with countless jobs recently created and economic stability being more assured, it’s almost a no-brainer for those dwelling in the UK to seek a better life in the US. Who could blame them?

Those running businesses that might do anything less than thrive in the years ahead may consider packing up their bags and heading to where consumer spending isn’t forecasted to be so tight. Market conditions are likely far rosier for many sectors across the pond too. 

The US may have higher average incomes. Fuel and food may be far more affordable than in the UK. Ultimately, for those who want more mileage out of their money, the US might seem like the more favourable place to settle. 

Better Property Values

It’s not just food and fuel that can be more affordable in the US compared to the UK. Housing is also more cost-effectively procured. 

A prospective homeowner in the UK settling may comprise on a property for affordability. Conversely, they may be able to find their dream home in the states with a similar budget. It’s a tempting prospect many UK residents struggle to resist, especially when the outlook appears bleak in other aspects of UK life. 

Better quality homes can be procured affordably in the US. Have a look into homes for sale in the Myrtle Beach area of South Carolina. Spacious homes are priced very comfortably, and a wide spectrum of properties are available, catering to those looking for both affordable and luxurious neighbourhoods. The wide price range and property appreciation rates that track well above the national average have promising US housing prospects. 

Remember, many people in the UK question whether they’ll ever be able to buy a property. Entire generations have been dubbed ‘generation rent’ in the media. In the end, these types of concerns are far less prevalent in the US, giving many prospective homeowners peace of mind as they look for a home. 

Different Politics

There is great political unrest in the UK today. While the US has endured more than its fair share of turmoil and division, by comparison, that particular ship appears to be steadying, at least among its current elected leaders.  

Brits already living in the US have reported that they are, for once, glad to be there after forecasted fiascos involving now ex-Prime Minister Liz Truss, with much of predicted gloom coming to fruition. Regardless of left wing or right wing, it’s safe to assume that much of the UK population is exhausted with the Westminster dramatics and that people no longer have faith in their leaders – especially in the ones that most of the country never had a chance to vote for. 

Between Brexit, lockdown parties, and everything else the government has debatably got wrong, it’s easy to see why those in opposition to the decision-makers feel so disillusioned. One could not be expected to sit on that frustration overlong.  

Of course, many people threaten to abandon their countries during political unrest, and while only a small fraction will follow through on those words, those who do feel strongly about their choice. It’s a right a person should exercise when they feel like the rules of their country wrongly punish and belittle them. 

The ‘Special Relationship’ 

The UK and US share a close bond. While the ‘special relationship’ often refers to their similar political systems aligning, it also undoubtedly influences the values of both countries and how citizen’s go about their daily life. 

First and foremost, there’s a shared language between the countries due to the British colonisation of the Americas in prior centuries. Therefore, UK ex-pats can settle much faster, despite a few differences in the spelling and pronunciation of certain words. Language barriers can be enormously challenging to overcome elsewhere, impeding foreign nationals’ ability to pursue job opportunities and establish meaningful social relationships. 

There are also similarities in terms of culture too. US and UK citizens easily swap and share pop culture references. It might seem like a small thing, but these things help people understand each other and forge friendships. It’s common interests and common ground, and that counts for a lot when living in a new place. 

UK nationals living in the US will still have access to much of their home comforts and interests. Ultimately, while many people move abroad to enjoy a big change, they can enjoy at least some elements of their past life too! There can be a lot of reassurance in familiar things, which helps make big changes seem less radical and more doable. 

Nicer Weather

It’s no secret that the UK’s weather can sometimes be immensely bleak. Constant bouts of grey skies and subsequent showers can start to take a toll on a person’s outlook on life. It can even influence the types of interests they have, along with the activities they get up to in their free time. 

Of course, the US can have extremely concerning weather in some states, with things like hurricanes creating jeopardy. Still, most states have minimal risks, and it’s hardly like living in a constant danger zone. California, South Carolina, and other states experience frequent sunshine, and a new lease on life can be discovered in climates that favour outdoorsy lifestyles. 

After all, retirees often like to relocate to sunnier pastures new. For many of them in the UK, parts of the US will tick those boxes, enabling them to feel a new sense of freedom in their older age. After all, nice weather can profoundly boost an individual’s mood. It can all lead to a more exciting and adventurous lifestyle, with everyday feeling like a holiday. 


Many brits may move to the US for a faster relocation. Economic conditions are more favourable, homes can be more affordably secured, and a culture of shared values, language, and entertainment all help faster assimilation into US life. A sense of optimism is at the heart of the US, whereas brits tend to favour pessimism, especially today. Along with the nicer weather, all this can explain why UK expats seeking a change feel at home in the US so quickly and why many continue to emigrate across the pond.

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