What to check when moving house

Moving house can be an extremely stressful process. The excitement of buying a new home is quickly replaced by the stress of having to get everything ready in time. There are a lot of things that need to be done; some things you don’t even think about. Keeping the trees in the property well-trimmed is just one thing you may not have considered. Hiring a tree cutting service in Atlanta by 404 Cut Tree can help to ensure the garden is prepped before you go. Below you’ll discover other top things you might not have thought of that you need to check before you move.

Is your new home insured?

If you’re getting a mortgage on a new place, buildings insurance typically comes as a necessity under the mortgage agreement. However, it is also a good idea to take out contents insurance. Making sure your possessions are protected is a sensible option. Ideally you should get insurance before you move home and transfer it over when needed. That way, if anything becomes damaged during the move it will be covered by the insurance. Not all policies will cover damage caused during a move so it is something you will need to look into.

Is your mail redirected?

As advised on www.money.co.uk, getting your mail re-directed is an important step. The last thing you want is all your personal mail being sent to the new owners of your house. Let the mail company know where you are moving to as early before the move as possible. That way it will be a more seamless switch over process.

Have you cleaned?

Nobody wants to move into a new home and have to undergo a massive cleaning job. Consider hiring professional cleaners to make the home look and feel new for the new owners. You can also hire somebody to clean up the home you are moving into.

Organising the boxes

When packing, there’s a tendency to fill the boxes right to the top. As stated by the BBC, if you do this it will make the boxes a lot heavier. You need to be able to comfortably move them. You also need to put them in some kind of order. It is unlikely you will be unpacking everything on the first night. So be sure to mark the essentials and have somewhere to store the non-urgent boxes until you can get around to them.

These are just some of the things you need to think about. Leaving your old home in a presentable state will help the new owners settle in. Be sure that all odd jobs are completed. Planning ahead can help to save a lot of stress. The earlier you start preparing, the more seamless the move will be. It is also a good idea to leave a note for the new owners explaining how various things work around the house. They will really appreciate it and you could help to make their move a lot easier.   


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