Moving house with pets is not all plain sailing. We find moving stressful enough, our pets can find it even more so. To reduce their stress, here are some hints and top tips to moving house with your pets to help make it as stress free as possible.
Before the move
Preparation is the key. If your pets require name tags etc. get some new ones made up with your new details so if they do escape they can be easily reunited with you. Remember to update all your details with your veterinary practice and pet insurance company as well as microchip information if they have one. Make sure your pets are safely out of the way. The noise on the day and leading up to it will cause pets to be unnerved and even panic. With people coming in and out of the house doors and windows often get left open. The most sensible solution is to get a friend or family member to look after them during your actual move. If this is not possible you could consider confining them to one room whilst packing is done. Put them with all their favourite toys, bedding and familiar things as this will help to settle them. If they are going to be travelling in a carrier and they’ve not used one before then leave the carrier around the house for a few days before hand so they get used to it.
Moving day
On moving day make sure they have plenty of food and water wherever you have them confined to. Put a note on the door so people know not to let them escape to their favourite hiding spot at the end of the garden. Make sure the travelling carrier is in the room with them and you have placed a blanket and a few of their favourite goodies and toys inside. Try not to feed them too much just before travelling as it might make them ill.
Arriving at your new home
Once you have moved in pets need time to adjust to their new surroundings as it will be strange and unfamiliar. Try and get them settled as quickly as possible showing them where their bed, toys and belongings are. Dogs and cats can be territorial animals and moving into a new home will mean they want to mark their territory. Keep cats inside the new house for 24 hours and feed them before you let them out for the first time. Check your garden and fences to ensure they are secure with no little gaps for them to be able to escape. And finally ensure you stick to their normal routine where possible especially when it comes to feeding, playing and taking them for a walk. Your pets can never have too much affection and play, to help them settle in to their new home.