7 Things To Consider Before Moving To A Big City



The prospect of moving to a new place is exciting, but the fantasy and reality of big city living don’t always match up. As such, there are many things to consider when a move involves heading to the bright lights of a big city. Doing so before committing will ensure you’re making the right decision and will experience the full benefit of such an environment.


Whatever your motivation for moving to a significantly sized city, consider if you can meet the cost of living. A well-paid salary in a small town won’t go as far as in the city, where most things are typically more expensive. Does the prospect of juggling two or more jobs to pay the bills eclipse the desire to be near the things that are drawing you to the area? 


There’s all manner of accommodation available in the city; the only genuine hurdle to what you’re able to choose is affordability and availability. Looking at property listings is the easiest way to understand what’s available in your projected price range. There are plenty of homes for sale in New York City, which a reputable relator will help match you with. Rental markets in cities are also very robust, so if your budget doesn’t stretch to buying or you don’t want to make that commitment immediately, there are many options. 

Transport Links

Consider how easy it will be to get from home to work and leisure activities. Some cities have excellent public transit links, making it easy to get around, but unfortunately, others are car-centric. Should you need a car to get around, what is the availability and cost of parking both at home and work? Or can you sell the car and get around by other means? If so, you may find hiring a car a couple of times a year for going out of town is the cheaper option.


Finding an affordable apartment in the city can be tricky sometimes, and you may have to compromise on the neighborhood you end up in. But if you live on the opposite side of town to where you work, the cost and length of commute may wipe the savings made. If you’re moving to the city for a job offer, consider which areas are within budget and have a reasonable commute time. For moves with other motivations, consider where you apply for jobs compared to where you’re likely to live.

Meeting New People

Cities are crowded, busy, bustling places where it can be easy to feel overlooked if you don’t try to meet others. There’s nothing lonelier than feeling alone and isolated in a crowd, so consider how you will make new friends once you arrive. Check out groups and sports clubs that match your interests or investigate new opportunities that aren’t available in smaller towns. 

Social media is a terrific way to connect with people. Join Facebook groups for people new to your city of choice or any neighborhood groups to meet locals. Another option is to try an app like Bumble BFF to meet others looking for friendship. You’ll be amazed at what’s available when you put in a little effort.


Plenty of people choose to raise their families in big cities meaning there are plenty of schools available. But the standard of schools varies drastically, meaning you need to research what school districts are like in the areas you’re considering living in. Often the reality is less affluent city areas will have poorer standard schools in the district. If you can’t afford to live in a nice neighborhood, are you happy with the local schools’ ability to meet your children’s educational needs?

Find Tranquillity

Cities of any size are noisy, but this is especially true in the vast ones. Even if you’re the sort of person who thrives being around people and the hustle and bustle, it’s vital to take some time out to decopress occasionally. Taking short breaks out of the city is an ideal way to do this, but it isn’t always the feasible option. As such, investigate the city’s quiet spaces, from secluded public parks and hushed art galleries to other such oases of tranquillity that are available.

The prospect of moving to a big city, for whatever reason, should be an exciting time. And by considering the various factors like housing and transportation, you’ll overcome any initial shock and settle into your new life with ease.

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