Millions of people in countries all over the world dream of moving to the United States. If you’ve moved past dreaming and want to make American life your new reality, you’ll need to have a solid plan and understand exactly what needs to be done (before moving).
It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the moving process, but don’t forget that there are many things that must be done before you move. This is where a lot of people make mistakes that end up costing them either time or money (or both) down the road. Use our tips posted below to make your move go as smoothly as possible.
Learning English is a Good Idea
While there are no explicit language requirements in moving to the USA, English is the primary language that’s spoken here. In order to truly maximize your opportunities in America, you’re going to need to know how to speak, write, and read English.
You should ideally start learning English before moving to the US. Whether you learn from a private tutor, in a classroom, or even from a mobile app, knowing how to speak English will pay off big once you’re in the US.
Know Exactly What Documents You’ll Need
If you’re coming to the US on an employment visa, you’re going to need certain documents. Likewise, if you’re coming here on an education visa, you’re going to need to bring transcripts and related documents along with you.
Knowing exactly which documents you’re going to need will make your move that much smoother. If you come to the US without whatever documents you need, you’re going to have some major issues getting them here.
What to Bring and What to Leave
Many people might mistakenly believe that they can bring all of their electronics with them to the US. While some electronics might be able to be brought here, the majority would be better off in your old country. Simply put, don’t bring too many electronics with you.
The US uses a different standard of voltage than most other countries. Unless you buy special adaptors for your electronics, you won’t be able to use them here. Most people simply purchase new electronics once they arrive in the US.
Another example of something that most people leave behind is furniture. Why go through the trouble of paying for the expensive shipping costs (associated with shipping heavy items like furniture)? It’s better to leave large, heavy items like furniture in your old country.
Leave Your Car Behind
Just like with furniture, it’s for the best if you simply leave your car behind. If you want to bring your car to the US, you’re going to need to pay to have it shipped here (which would be very expensive). Furthermore, if you do bring your car here, chances are that you won’t be able to find a mechanic to repair it. Even if you do find a mechanic who works on foreign cars, they’re going to be much more expensive than a normal mechanic.
Decide if Your Pets Will Come or Not
Many people bring their pets with them to the US, but just as many people leave their pets behind. This can be a very difficult problem for most people (because most people love their pets as much as a member of their family). The US does allow people to immigrate with their pets, but there are certain standards that must be followed.
How to Get Your Belongings Here
There are generally two options when it comes to bringing your personal belongings here: either have them shipped or bring them with you on the plane. If you have a lot of items, it probably makes more sense to pack them up and have them shipped in a container.
However, it’s also common for immigrants to pack their belongings in suitcases and fly with them. It all comes down to how many possessions you own, as well as your budget.
Dealing With Housing
It’s highly recommended to try and find housing before coming to the country. Whether it’s temporary housing or permanent, having somewhere to come before you arrive will make the transition much easier. Many immigrants stay in temporary housing when they first arrive in the US, and then they find permanent accommodations. It’s important to be careful when searching for housing and to perform in-depth research on the area that you intend to live in/move to.