5 Steps to Feel Like You’re at Home

Congratulations on your new home purchase. If you’re planning into moving into your new property, then you probably have a lot to think about. You can’t do everything at once, so make sure to prioritize:

    Food and naps
    Getting your belongings in order
    Prepare a contact list
    Take a walk or two
    Customize your home

Step 1: Find Food Delivery

Before you start digging through all seven boxes you have labeled kitchen stuff, remember that there is an easier way to do things. Think about indulging a little in restaurant food for the first week or so after you’ve moved in. Unless you are absolutely devoted to the culinary arts, it will make more sense for you to look for a few good delivery places where you can get pizza, curry, or other favorites delivered while you work on unpacking — or while you take a much-needed nap. 

Step 2: Unpack and Make a Shopping List

There are many people who live well while using unopened moving cartons as nightstands, credenzas, or footstools — sometimes after years of living in their current home or apartment. While the potential of cardboard material for furniture is virtually limitless, you would probably be better served by unpacking. Even if you can only spare about half an hour a day for this task, it should be over relatively quickly. Afterward, you can move on to buying anything you didn’t think to bring with you.

As for your shopping list, wait until you’ve unpacked completely. Then, make a list for one or two rooms at a time — this will divide the shopping into smaller portions, making it much more manageable. Depending on where your new property is located, you might have some nice online delivery opportunities as well. 

Step 3: Build a Professional Contact List

Don’t put off expanding your professional contact list just because shopping around for the best homeowners insurance rates or researching the most reputable electricians aren’t always the most riveting activities. It pays to get these things done as early as possible. 

If you worked through an agency to buy your home, then you might be able to find professionals through the person who represented you, or else the one who sold the home. If you went it alone, there are plenty of good online resources.

Step 4: Familiarize Yourself With the Surroundings

After you’re finally getting a full night’s sleep again, take a look around your new neighborhood. There could be things you didn’t see during the sales process. It might also be a good way to connect with your neighbors — if you’re interested in that sort of thing. 

Step 5: Decorate Your Space

Almost everyone has an idea of the perfect home. It’s hard to resist the impulse to dive right in to making that vision to reality — especially if you’re moving from far away. However, customizing your space is one of the last things you should start doing. Of course, feel free to jot down ideas that you get while unpacking and shopping. 

Your efforts will be much easier to organize and your design’s execution will be quicker if you have completed all the previous steps. Unpack first, and you won’t have to maneuver around cardboard boxes while making your improvement. Get the name of a good plumber first, and you will have someone to call if your kitchen fixture upgrade goes awry. 

A Final Thought

Start with your basic physiological needs for food and sleep, and then move up slowly towards making your home into the perfect space for you. Follow this order, and you should adjust smoothly to your new property. Remember, it’s a process — try to take it one step at a time. 

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