It is no gainsaying the fact that no matter how much we try to maintain a good hygienic relationship with our surroundings, certain things just can’t be avoided. And one is toilet paper. It is exciting to know that you are capable of purchasing zero waste toilet paper to aid in rationalizing your impact therein and on your environment.
We are quite aware of the fact that most toilet paper we use is made of wood pulps bleached with chlorine, which could be, to an extent, toxic to our environment. This is why in this article, we have compiled a list of toilet paper options as regards zero waste toilet paper. Below are our top 7:
1. Marcal 100% Recycled Bath Tissue
Insofar as zero waste toilet paper is concerned, Marcal stands out as the best among the others. This product is made of purely recycled paper, without any form of chlorine bleach, fragrances, or dyes, and is eco-friendly to its fullest potential. Marcal recycled bath tissue comes in an embossed and perforated sheet, which makes the product strong and moisture absorbent. In addition to this, the recycled content is well wrapped in clean paper, to ensure that there is no form of plastic waste. You can be well assured that its product is not only safe for your wellbeing but also safe for your environment.
2. Pure Planet Bamboo and Sugarcane Toilet Tissue
Unlike other zero waste toilet paper, pure planet tissue is a composition of sugarcane fibers and renewable bamboo. Its uniqueness is not limited to the fact that the product is tree-free and more durable than toilet paper composed of wood pulp, but as well extends to features of being biodegradable and recyclable. Although pure planet toilet tissues are bleached with less toxic chlorine dioxide, chemicals contained are less harmful to the environment, and these chemicals are only used during the manufacturing processes.
3. Natural Value 100% Recycled Bathroom Tissue
The sole aim of this brand is to guarantee that the quality of their products is 80% minimum of post-consumer recycling. By extension, natural value is made of 100% recycled paper. Zero bleach, zero fragrance, zero chemicals. To cap it all, natural value bathroom tissue is “all-natural” in its content. Although some customers complain of its high price tag, nonetheless, the price is nothing compared to its amazing quality.
4. Space White Reusable Bamboo Towels
Just like the Pure Planet Bamboo and Sugarcane Toilet Tissue, Space White bamboo towels also have a reusable feature. Even though it is designed to be used basically in the toilet, it can as well be used efficiently in the kitchen. Having the ability to be washed and reused as many as 120 times means it is sustainable and eco-friendly, as well. You will be rendering much help to the environment by using towels made of sustainable materials such as bamboo. Eco-friendly, and durable!
5. Bumkins Reusable Flannel Baby Wipes and Wet Bag
Since zero waste toilet paper is concerned, Bumkins Reusable Wipes is undoubtedly the most natural and non-chemical, containing zero disposable waste. Just for your satisfaction, it can as well be reused and washed, making it a good alternative to toilet paper. The amazing part is that Bumkins wet bag also comes with waterproof that hygienically stores moisture and offensive odor until you are ready to wash them. These wipes are made from 100% unbleached and soft cotton, specially for your comfort.
6. No. 2 Bamboo Toilet Paper
This is another trusted product made from sustainable and long-lasting bamboo and is 100% recyclable. However, one major reason some customers have avoided this product is because of its hard texture— not the softest among other products. But notwithstanding, the durability of the toilet paper is guaranteed, as it doesn’t tear so easily. In addition, the product is very effective in varieties of systems, RVs, and septic tanks.
7. TUSHY Bidet Attachment
Since Tushy Bidet is not toilet paper, this attachment is an amazing and affordable option for toilet paper. This attachment could easily be installed directly from TUSHY in less than 10 minutes, with needless use for additional plumbing. This serves as a perfect replacement for toilet tissues and reduces your consumption by a great deal. That’s not all. It also comes with an adjustment feature that enables you to adjust the pressure to suit your preference. This stands as a perfect choice for customers who are looking to reduce the use of toilet paper. Trust me, you’ll have zero regrets after using this product.
These alternatives aforementioned all serve as a fantastic replacement for your consumption of toilet paper and guarantee you a pleasurable experience. Not only do they minimize your frequent purchase and consumption of tissues and paper towels, but as well guarantee you an eco-friendly and hygienic environment. So what are you waiting for? You’re just a grocery store away!