How to make your home more liveable

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Did you just move into a new place or even bought something for yourself the first time? To turn a house into a home, you need to make sure all your basic needs are covered and that doesn’t just mean you have a roof over your head. In this article we tell you how to make your house more liveable, so you can have the best living experience in your own little place.

The best acoustics

In big rooms, sound is free to travel around and can bounce off the walls, which creates an annoying reverb. There are plenty of ways to get rid of the reverb in your new place. An easy way to fix the problem is using acoustic panels from akuwoodpanel. It also helps to divide big rooms into smaller rooms, for example by using a room divider. Reorganizing your room and spreading the stuff you own more evenly over the space helps as well. If you are a big fan of fluffy stuff like carpets, pillows and blankets: this is your time. Fluffy materials can also help to tone down reverb.


For a good quality of living, you need to live in a nice and maintainable temperature, all year long. Newer houses have very good isolation, but when it comes to the older ones, isolation isn’t always what it should be. Luckily, you can fix a lot of it yourself. Fill up the cracks in your house with isolation material and let someone check what the state is of the isolation in your walls. In the best case, the layer of isolation between your walls is 13 cm thick. You want to install some isolation yourself? Putting isolation under the roof is an easy job that can be done by anyone.

Better quality of air

Of course you want to be able to breathe properly when you are in your own house. That’s why you want to take some steps when it comes to the quality of air in your place. Make sure you have proper ventilation systems in wet areas like the kitchen and the bathroom. Leave the window open now and then in other rooms in the house. Plants turn the CO2 you breathed out into fresh oxygen you can breathe in again. If you want to improve the quality of the air, adding some plants to your interior is a good idea

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