How to Improve the Curb Appeal of Your Property



Let’s set the scene.


Your house has been on the market for a little while now and is struggling to get much traction on the various property websites it’s published on.


Weeks and weeks go by without receiving a single viewing request until, one day, you receive a call from your estate agent – finally, a chance for you to show your property off to an interested vendor.


You encourage your family to help you tidy the house up, baking some bread to create a homely atmosphere and, ultimately, getting your home into the best possible condition it can be.


However, after putting all that time and effort in, your potential vendor decides against coming to view your property after visiting the outside of the house prior to their appointment.


You feel incredibly disappointed and start to worry that your home’s curb appeal could be the thing that is detracting potential suitors. So, what exactly can you do?


First impressions count


When it comes to selling your home, first impressions tend to count for a lot.


As the scenario above demonstrates, many potential vendors can be put off simply by the exterior of a property and not even want to set foot in the house as a result.


From tired-looking houses in dire need of a paint job to properties with gutters that haven’t been cleared for years on end, it’s all well and good having the most beautifully maintained house on the inside but, if that isn’t reflected on the outside as well, you could only end up shooting yourself in the foot.


In this article, we are going to take a detailed look at some of the best ways to improve the curb appeal of your home, not only making it a more enticing place to live but helping improve its overall ability to sell more quickly.


Carry out general home maintenance jobs


There are a number of ways to improve and maintain the exterior of your property.


From practical solutions like removing a pest-related issue you are having, to general wear and tear solutions like clearing your gutter, the more you can do to demonstrate to potential vendors that you care for your property, the more likely they are going to be to put an offer in.


Fixing or renewing the paint jobs on your broken gates, trellises, awnings and fences can also make a big difference to the appeal of a property. Hide away bins from immediate view, and ensure all personal items such as bicycles or children’s toys have a place to be regularly tidied to and stored as a routine, not just prior to viewings.


Revamp your front door & windows


As the entry point to your home, your front door really acts as the centrepiece for the entire exterior of your property, making a statement to guests as to how welcoming and well maintained your home actually is.


In other words, it’s important for it to look good.


Whether it be through rejuvenating the weather-beaten wood, adding a bit of metal polish to the door fixtures or adding a fresh lick of paint, each of these techniques can offer a quick and easy way of getting your front door back to looking its best.


Neglected windows and frames can similarly devalue your home’s exterior. So, if you’re looking to set a good impression and add a little bit more value to your property, carrying out woodwork, repainting and generally making a feature of your doors and windows, could help make your home look a lot brighter and a more inviting place to be.


Manicure your front garden


One of the best ways to improve your home’s curb appeal comes through maintaining your front garden effectively.


After all, buyers will correlate a well-cared-for exterior with a well-kept interior, vastly improving the likelihood that they’ll not only want to view your property but purchase it for themselves as well.


Whether it be getting rid of any unwanted weeds, trimming back an overgrown hedge or building your own zen garden, the extent of your home’s garden landscaping is entirely up to you, but it could make a big difference.


What’s more, it’s important to ensure your home’s pathways are clear, pristine and free of any soil, weeds, litter or other forms of debris.


Using a power washer, this process – while very quick and easy to do – can drastically improve the look of your path and could even help provide potential vendors with easier access to your property.


Make the outside tempt them in


Selling your home can be an incredibly difficult thing to do at the best of times. But, when your home’s exterior is in a state of disrepair, it arguably becomes even harder.


However, by utilising the hints and tips listed above, you can help get your home in tip-top condition, not only making it a more enticing place to live but also greatly improving its overall likelihood to sell.

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