Happy interior design: can it be a reality






For a long time, when designing an interior, people took into account only utilitarian requirements and tried to make the space as practical as possible. Of course, this approach is interesting and relevant, but in recent decades it has undergone some changes: more and more people began to think about the “psychology” of interiors, about how the design of the premises affects the mood of a person and even his well-being.



It has become fashionable to highlight the psychological, personal aspect and abandon the standard design options in favor of an individual, unique design that fully corresponds to the worldview of the owner of the house. It can be from the luxury bedroom set to minimalistic high-tech kitchen, your unique nature can be represented in any form.


Remember that an apartment is a space that can have a strong impact on those who live in it. Moreover, people do not always feel secure in their own home: on the contrary, the interior can irritate, cause unpleasant associations.


Try to make sure that your apartment evokes only pleasant emotions in you and serves as a kind of “passive psychotherapist”. You can design a suitable interior, you just need to take into account a few important points and give enough time and attention to home improvement.



Very often, the design of a harmonizing look is used. We are talking about a design created taking into account the tastes and preferences of the owner of the house, his worldview, character traits. In such cases, the interior becomes a kind of continuation of the inner “I” of a person, and the house becomes as comfortable as possible. In such an interior, every little thing should be selected according to your preferences and requirements.


The second option for interior design is stimulating. It is used less frequently and differs from the first one in its high complexity in implementation. The bottom line is to create an interior that will affect a person, push him to change, strengthen positive character traits and weaken negative ones. For example, such an interior will calm a quick-tempered person, help him to reason sensibility and focus on problems, solve them calmly. The choice of design features will directly depend on the characteristics of the person’s character.


It is desirable, of course, that the interior of the house combines two functions at once and not only harmoniously combines with the character of the owner, but also helps him realize his talents and get rid of shortcomings. Of course, creating such an interior is very difficult, but still possible. Ideally, this requires the advice of an experienced psychologist and designer, but you can probably do it yourself if you take the task seriously enough.


First of all, you need to pay attention to the layout of the apartment or house. In fact, it is of paramount importance, and it happens that even the most successful interior design option cannot correct the flaws in the layout. For example, if a person who prefers loneliness has to live in a walk-through room and constantly endure “household invasions”, this can seriously affect his mood.


Of course, it is far from always possible to make redevelopment, especially when it comes to an apartment, and not a house, but it’s still worth trying. There are a lot of options for planning a house, but conditionally they can all be divided into two types – open and closed.


The first option, i.e. studio apartment, is suitable for those who prefer to lead a free lifestyle, love communication and live alone, with a peer (friend, brother, sister, etc.) or with a loved one.


The second option, i.e. the standard division of the house into several rooms is used much more often and is well suited to people who are accustomed to order, strict division of premises according to their purpose, or who need private areas where neither household members nor guests are allowed. It is also a great option if there are at least two people living in the house who belong to different generations, and each of them needs personal space.


If you have chosen a harmonizing interior, there will be no difficulty in determining the appropriate layout. Love privacy – prefer a closed floor plan, and if you like to be the life of the company, invite guests, and often communicate with people – an open floor plan will suit you better.


Another thing is if you need to create a stimulating interior. In this case, extreme measures would be completely inappropriate. A lover of loneliness will not feel comfortable in a studio where even the bedroom is open to the eyes of strangers, and life in such an apartment will be akin to shock therapy for him, which does not always work effectively. It is better to choose the golden mean: let several rooms be separated, and as a mini-studio, you can use a spacious living room combined with a kitchen.


It is very important to choose and arrange furniture correctly, as well as to find the right color scheme. And again, a harmonizing interior is designed much easier than a stimulating one and often does not even require the intervention of a professional designer.


For example, an open, sociable person, accustomed to an active lifestyle, should choose multifunctional things or even transforming furniture, as well as a flexible arrangement option, which leaves a lot of free space.

On the contrary, for singles who want to feel protected in their home, it is better to prefer massive solid furniture and arrange it in the most convenient way so that it is easy to move around the room, but at the same time, the room does not create a feeling of emptiness. When choosing the right option, consider your requirements and preferences.


With the design of a stimulating interior, the situation is more complicated. Remember, the design must be soft, otherwise, you can achieve an effect that is exactly the opposite of what you want.

For example, a melancholic person should not choose a furniture arrangement in which an empty area the size of a small dance floor appears in the center of the room. It is better to reduce the amount of furniture, give preference to more compact options, and choose warm, “optimistic” shades, such as orange or yellow.



Rectangular shape. The most familiar geometric shape for the human eye. Objects executed in this form feature the creation of a feeling of safety and security. Such a room will be as comfortable and cozy as possible.

The round shape is less familiar, but also very good. The round shape contributes to the creation of inner harmony and a sense of calm. An interesting fact: round objects very rarely focus on themselves, which allows you to create the most comfortable housing.

Unusual and non-standard forms. Items made in an unconventional style are not very well suited for everyday life. They attract a lot of attention to themselves, which can lead to paranoia and anxiety. Housing, equipped with such interior items, will hardly be called cozy and versatile.


Another problem is clutter, an excess of unnecessary things takes a lot of our energy. When a person is surrounded by disorder, he is constantly confused, looking for something, forgets, cannot collect his thoughts, and as a result wastes his productivity. Chaos at home smoothly passes to other areas of life. The same applies to unnecessary things, very often they become the cause of a constant mess. If you find it difficult to throw things away, try to stick to the rule: “If I don’t use it for one year, then I don’t need this thing, and I should say goodbye to it”. The more space around, the more comfortable you will be in your home.

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