Damp Proofing to Using Stone Sustainable Home Design

Developer Richard Pender is a man who happens to love his parents. He found the perfect way to show his love by building them a modern home that is sustainable, accessible, and has the capabilities for adaptive reuse. Pender, based in the Northumberland area of Northern England, truly understands the meaning of form-follows-function. As a result, he co-designed and built the perfect living habitat for his parents. The end results are spectacular. Their home is quite beautiful, accessible, and sustainable.

Pender’s underlying belief was that their new home should focus on ease of living for people at their station in life. Second in importance, was to build a dwelling that combined contemporary architecture while complementing its surroundings. He also wanted the dwelling to stand out as distinct. The home respects its neighboring buildings and beloved traditional farmhouses that dot the landscape.

Pender added a personal touch by using stones that were locally sourced. The structure also utilized larch boards and reflects the architecture of other local, historic structures with such amenities as gabled roof and other familiar materials. Lower floor bedrooms, large open living room, and above kitchen allow for an amazing view of the countryside. Pender co-designed the home with Dan Kerr of MawsonKerr Architects.

Eco Damp Proofing. Peter used great Eco damp proofing materials. The government’s ECO Affordable Warmth Scheme has been set up to allow free damp treatment for homes with “hard to treat” damp and insulation problems. Homes classed as “hard to treat” can receive an A-rated energy efficient boiler, loft insulation and cavity wall insulation free of charge. The scheme is designed to tackle fuel poverty and reduce carbon emissions. Make sure you use a damp proofing company that covers this.

The home was stands adjacent to an old stone barn, which happens to be the perfect conversion example. For adaptive reuse, it converted into his parent’s master bedroom. Pender designed the home to be air tight, highly insulated, and resistant to thermal bridging. These are all the elements that can keep a home energy efficient and comfortable. The home also has an intercom system, an elevator, solar panels, and level thresholds.

Richard Pender loves his parents, as any good son or daughter should. The beauty of his gift is that he was in a position, professionally and financially, to bring his dream to fruition. He has a solid background with respect to climate change as well. He worked in Westminster, and helped co-coordinate a climate change committee. He also has ample experience working with organizations as Forum for the Future and WWF.

From there, he made his move into the property development arena. Pender also undertook an MSc in renewable energy at Newcastle University. It was his good fortune that he could combine all of his skills in the form of a project that could facilitate building a sustainable home for his parents. No doubt it was a challenge, but he rose to the occasion.

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