Convert Your Bedroom into a Beautiful Beach-Inspired Space



Are you looking for ways to create that perfect beach ambiance in your own bedroom? Just keep reading to find out how.

Beaches are a very casual yet beautiful show of nature. The scent of damp sand and the sound of waves crashing on the shore are enough to instill a sense of calm that we all wish we could take home with us. You can simply rekindle these sentiments by bringing a piece of the beach into the very room you associate with serenity: your bedroom.

It’s all about capturing the right essence when it comes to creating a great beach-inspired bedroom. It might be as basic as having a blue-themed bedroom or bamboo decorations – just don’t go too crazy with your ideas.

So, if you’re tired of scouring the internet for an aesthetic that satisfies your beach bedroom fantasies or don’t know where to begin, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some mind-blowing ideas for a beach-themed bedroom.


Choose the Right Wall Color/Wallpaper

As there are no set rules to achieve the look; an indoor beach getaway typically has the same general marine vibes. An abundance of marine colors, old furnishings, and appropriate patterns usually provides a relaxed and serene atmosphere.

To begin with, choose a color or wallpaper for your room. This will serve as a foundation to which you can then match the remaining decors. Typically a calm blue color is a good choice. Having wallpaper can really transform your bedroom and patterns can really bring some life to the environment, rather than just having a plain flat surface.

Coral, white, pastel blue, ocean blue, and other marine colors are all excellent choices for creating a genuine image of the calm shoreline.

Choose Bedding

The key is to make sure your bedding compliments the walls. Having a patterned wallpaper as well as patterned bedding could all be too much. Hence pairing the two correctly is crucial.

For instance, if you choose a simple wall color you should match it with a lush, dreamy, printed bedding, just like the ones designed by Jennifer Adams. Similarly, if you have a patterned wall, opt for plain bedding.

Play with the different gradients of white and blue. For example, if your bedsheet is plain white you can have blue pillowcases and blankets. This will greatly amplify the coastal effect.

Try Distressed Wood

Nothing encapsulates the aura of a beach more than distressed wood that looks like it has spent an eternity in the waves of the ocean. Whether it is your bed, bedside table, or a small wooden coffee table, having distressed wood items is a gorgeous asset to your beach-themed room.

Consider a Seashell-Inspired Design

In children’s novels and fairy tales, we’ve all heard about mermaids that live in seashells. Have you ever wondered whether you could live inside one? You can now find out by making a seashell-inspired room.

Grab some white sheets, mix up some beige and grey bedding with seashell-printed pillowcases, hang some seashell photo frames, and finish it off with some starfish and seashell accessories. You will then have a lovely, cozy bedroom that gives you the feeling of a beach resort.

Splash Some Color to Liven Up the Coastal Vibe

With a burst of pastel blue and modest decorations, you can turn your bedroom into a coastal haven. A stunning combination might be beech-wood bed frames against aquamarine wallpaper. Remember, it is vital to keep the bedding simple while incorporating vibrant colors.

Pristine white bedding offers a graceful, buoyant, and textured impression. The addition of decorations, such as a sculptured wooden mirror frame, will give the room a ladylike and coral touch.

Fill Your Bedroom with Beachside Gems

With a seaside bedroom theme, you can now incorporate all of your prized purchases and collectibles into your home design. Finally, all those trips to the beach will pay off. A corner shelf, bureau, or bedside table is ideal for showcasing your trinkets.

The stylish center should be dominated by earth tones with a hint of blue either on the pillowcases or on the throw blanket. Embellishing the shelf with seashells, starfish, shell ornaments, jars of sand, and the vintage message in a bottle, are the ideal finishing touches to make the place feel like a beach getaway.

Add Ocean-Inspired Art

If you don’t feel like getting too into it but rather just have a tiny slice of the beach incorporated into your otherwise perfect bedroom, adding photo frames or paintings is a great start.

A classic painting of the drifting waves or waves crashing onto the shore hung right behind your bed, is more than enough to bring out the warm beach sensation. Remember to stay true to your style. You can also make your own beach/ocean painting by following tutorials on YouTube. Having your own art will intensify the overall emotional impact.

Think About the Color Pallet

When it comes to redecorating your bedroom, deciding on a color plan is a wonderful place to start. With a bold shade like a teal rug, you may create a lively space in your bedroom. Begin with a neutral color scheme. This will act as a blank canvas to which you can then add pops of colors.

You can also add Hawaiian patterns on your throw blankets and pillowcases to really bring in that typical beach flavor. Explore patterns and art from places that are famous for their beach lifestyle and culture.

The Underwater Effect

How about experiencing living underwater? Get yourself a starry night light projector. These projectors have taken over the world in recent times. With its different light modes and colors, you can easily create the illusion of ocean waves in your room.

Remember, there are no solid rules as to achieve a beach-themed bedroom. Just play around with designs and colors that you think best represent the beach for you and then really personalize it to your own taste.

Hopefully, the ideas mentioned above were helpful and have awakened the interior designer in you. Good luck!

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