Decorating tips for new homeowners


One of the biggest luxuries of life is passing that milestone of owning your own home and moving in. Not only does it mean new opportunities for you, your home is actually one of the best outlets to let your creativity flow. With DIY projects and interior designing, the possibilities are endless.


However, endless possibilities and choices might have an adverse effect as well. Most homeowners, especially the new ones, might feel that this passion project can turn south and quickly turn into a feeling of dreadful chores. When that happens, the feeling of trying to get things done as soon as possible creeps into place.


Because of this, many homeowners either end up doing a suboptimal rushed job, or get stuck and not know what to do next. So, if you are a new homeowner that needs a few tips on  how to get started, here are a few things to do.


Use wall art


One of the easiest and most surefire ways to really breathe some life into your new home is through aesthetics of your space. Wall art such as posters, pictures, flags and anything else that you have a passion for is great for this. Not only are they incredibly easy to put up according to Art Frill, they also come in a variety of shapes and sizes that can accommodate any room, if you want to see what they look like, you can look at them here. Best of all, wall art is a much cheaper alternative to other ways of decorating your rooms. The more money you save on the walls, the more you can spend on other things such as furniture and centerpieces. In fact, an attractive poster could even be the best centerpiece aesthetically and financially!


Improve what you already have


If wall art is not your thing, there are many other ways to change the look and feel of your room through the walls. For example, applying a fresh coat of paint or fix and patch up certain areas with extra layers. A quick change in paint can also drastically change the atmosphere of a room.


In fact, sometimes, the smallest changes make the biggest impact. Imagine changing the color of your bedroom walls from white to red. Just a small adjustment would make it feel almost unrecognizable. It would be even more so if you also changed small things such as your door handles, cupboards, cabinets, wardrobes and any pieces of functional furniture in your room. It would feel almost brand new.


If a paint job is still too big of a time consumer for you, there are even smaller steps you can take to spice it up a little bit. For example, even changing the curtains or the type of light switches will make a world of a difference.


Take your time

The biggest mistake new homeowners make is rushing into decorating their homes without being fully prepared nor any proper planning. Plus, the initial budget is usually very small, and more often than not, quality is sacrificed for quality.


However, not everything needs to be bought at once. In fact it is a better idea to start on the rooms that you will be spending most of your time in. Taking it one step at a time and decorating your favourite room is a great way to pace yourself. Not only does this give you more time to plan the layout and budget, it also makes it much more manageable and less time consuming.


Lighting is important


One of the most often overlooked factors in really making your room stand out is lighting. It actually changes the mood in a room by a huge margin. For example, imagine your room if the light was either neon purple or green. It would give a whole new feel to it.


Starting your decorating project with lighting is actually a great way to frame your idea. As it already sets the mood, you can plan your furniture to compliment the mood even further. There are different lights for every occasion, so choose wisely.


Apart from artificial light sources, natural light must also be taken into consideration as it heavily impacts the mood of your room. Making it look either romantic and playful, or dark and sinister, and everything else in between.

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