Over the last few years the civil engineering sector in the UK has seen an increase in activity, with more inspirational projects going on that ever before. Most of these civil engineering projects are focused on making the infrastructure around the UK fit for the demands of the 21st century. While the majority of the projects can be found around London (think the Olympics and Cross rail), other areas of the UK are getting in on the action. Let’s take a look at the top 5 here.
1. Omagh Hospital
Work started on this £105m project last year. This Enhanced Local Hospital is expected to be a trail blazer for the health service. On completion, the 23,000m2 building will feature everything ranging from surgery to social services; all in one environment. .
2. Leeds Flood Alleviation scheme
At the turn of the new century, the city centre in Leeds was almost flooded. Today, work has started on a £45m inspirational civil engineering project geared towards protecting the city in the future. This project is eyebrow-raising because it features the first moveable weirs in the UK.
3. Brighton Marina redevelopment
The coastline in Brighton is a beautiful tourist attraction but it has also cut down the options for areas that can be used for housing. This has made the housing challenge look insurmountable in the past, but not anymore. The expansion of the Brighton Marina village is a civil engineering project focused on building on reclaimed land. When completed, the site will deliver hundreds of new homes in low-rise buildings. A 40-storey tower block may also be part of the project if the authorities can agree some common ground with local residents.
4. M6- Heysham link canal bridge
In 1948 the first proposal to link Heysham in Lancashire to the M6 motorway of today was presented. 65 years later work on this huge project began last year and is still going on. When completed, the project will feature a 5KM dual carriageway with footpath and cyclepath, bridges over the railway lines, a canal, three roundabouts, and a motorway junction.
5. Borders railway
This railway is the longest new domestic railway in the UK in the last 100 years. The project will be completed at a cost of £294m. On completion, it will link Edinburgh and Tweedbank. The project is expected to be completed by summer, and the seven new tracks will help cut down reliance on cars for residents around the area, while boosting the local economy.
These are some of the most inspiring civil engineering projects in the UK today. All of them are being delivered by top quality building contractors.
Photo: Tim Buss