Build Brand Awareness with Event Spaces & Pop Up Stores


It is easy to assume that brick and mortar stores don’t get as much traffic as online businesses and ignore the impact of in-person experiences in building brand awareness. The reality is that in a world where there are thousands of brands launching every day, it can be difficult to stand out. However, you can leverage the power of an in-person store to build brand awareness and drive traffic to grow your business.

Whether you’re just launching a new business or are expanding into new territory, you can take advantage of a pop up store in Brooklyn to elevate your brand and drive sales. However, before you take up event space for experiential marketing, operate a pop up store or to host a launch dinner for your new product, you must identify ways through which you’ll build brand awareness.

Here are tips to help you use your pop up store Brooklyn to build awareness around your brand:

Be creative with the space. Event space is like a blank canvas, what you do with it is up to you. There is so much you can do with the event space that will elevate your brand to success. One of the most common ideas is to set up a pop up store. While this is fine, it is not the only thing you can do. Once you clearly understand the value you want to bring and the brand message you want to communicate, you can consider other ways of using the space to serve the community. For instance, you can introduce a free service at the pop up store that aims at giving back to the community. Initiatives like these go a long way in establishing brand loyalty. You could also use your space to entertain your customers or offer a free after-sales service that they will appreciate. The secret is in doing your research to understand your clientele well.

Tell your brand story. Although the goal of taking up Brooklyn retail space may be to bump up your sales, you can also use this opportunity to tell your brand story. This is important in ensuring customers know what your brand stands for. Giving your customers a sneak peek into the manufacturing process will build a sense of attachment to your brand as they will always remember a thing or two about the product and its manufacturing process. Thus, take some time to prepare educational, marketing or advertorial materials that will help you achieve these goals. Telling a brand story is particularly a plus if you are running an emerging business that is yet to register a strong retail presence in general because it builds brand loyalty and credibility.

Complement your online presence. By bringing out your brand to a physical location, the goal should be complementing your online efforts. That is, as you promote your business to a physical audience share the same message to your online space through various platforms. Don’t talk about your brand on the two platforms as though they are two independent entities. Creating an omnichannel communication can easily see your sales skyrocket even as you grow your brand following.

Promote seasonal and holiday sales. While Brooklyn event spaces or pop up stores may be saturated during Christmas and Halloween you can take advantage of the season to use the theme for your store and cash in on the seasonal sales. You can also look out for holidays that corroborate with some of the holidays and find a reason to launch your pop up store.

Explore a new market. You can derive more value from an event space than the meet and greet experience. Take the opportunity to host a temporary in-person store to explore the potential of a new market. You could conduct a ‘research’ to see if opening your doors to the target audience in Brooklyn will create a buzz around your brand and cement brand loyalty. You can get a feel of the market for a little fee.

Event spaces and pop up stores for rent provide many benefits for businesses and consumers alike. Most importantly, you get to enjoy the benefits of a permanent store without having to pay the full price of operating one. While online businesses get an opportunity to interact with customers in person and test out new markets and concepts, customers can associate the brand with the people behind it. This is a powerful way of enhancing customer loyalty. Whether you are looking to create awareness or test a new market you can use event spaces in Brooklyn to reach these goals.

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