Real estate agent

The Real Estate Team Every Investor Needs

When investing on real estate, investors are mainly concerned about the location of the land and its value. Of course, these are factors that have a significant effect on your income. However, it is important to remember that human resources are essential for this investment too. You cannot hope to fly solo since similar to any other business, real estate success also depends on teamwork. Therefore, make...

Why You Need Professional When Trying to Find the Right Home

For most people, getting a home is a great way for them to invest in property rather than give their money away on a rental. There are a number of things that have to be done in order to get the right home and among the most important is getting some professional help. Usually, there will be a number of different agents in your area and finding the right one will take some time and effort. The following...

Revealed: The hidden costs of selling your UK home

If you are selling home, our step-by-step guides will ensure that you are more than familiar with the process of listing, advertising, viewing and pricing your property. But can you afford to sell? It may sound like a bizarre questions, but there are a number of hidden costs involved when selling your home.  Before you start budgeting for buying a new residence, read our handy...

The ins and outs of the NYC real estate market

No matter what type of television shows or films you like, you probably watch a few things that mention the real estate market in New York City. You might find yourself wondering how the gang on Friends afforded such large apartments, or you might remember the way Carrie from Sex and the City almost lost her home when her building went co-op. The real estate market in the city is so hot that people pay...

Going Rural: What to look for in a London estate agent

Every year, more and more people flock to the capital city in search of a vibrant lifestyle and fantastic job prospects. But almost anyone that has spent years commuting on the crowded and stuffy underground has thought about swapping the big smoke for a slower pace of life. If you have decided to take this step and move to a moral rural location, here are some tips to help you find the right estate agent...

The benefits of a quality property estate management firm

Working with a quality property management company such as Hamilton King Management is a great way to bring more value to your property portfolio. This is the reason why the best real estate investors emphasise on the need for upcoming investors to only work with the very best management firms. What are the benefits of working with these companies? Reduction in time consuming legal tussles It only takes...

Accepting an estate agent contract: important tips to keep in mind

Estate agent contracts are not just complex, they can cost you time and money. Therefore, you need do all you can to understand what you are signing. The agents want your business so feel free to challenge anything you are not comfortable with. Here are some tips to help you.   Don’t accept percentages on face value   When you accept a percentage without working out the actual amount it...

Moving Home: Why choosing the right realtor is so important

   For many, moving from one house to another is a big decision and affects all aspects of life. Socially, you become uprooted from your neighborhood. Professionally, you may have to leave your current job. Financially, you have to make sure you have enough money to make the move. Selling your home and buying a new property involves dealing with real estate agents, and choosing the right realtor...

How to Sell your Home: FSBO vs estate agent

Selling your home is not an easy business, with each property suiting a different buyer. The approach taken to advertise a property can vary to suit each specific case as well: an auction might be favorable for one, while a campaign targeting a certain country might be more effective for another. Similarly, the decision to use an estate agent or sell a property privately can also...

Brazil Real Estate Popular with the British

  Brazil is quickly becoming a very popular place for international real estate investors to purchase property. The climate, culture, low prices and some of the best beaches in the world are attracting overseas investors looking for a great deal, vacation home, rental property or a place to retire. A recent report indicates that Brazil is now in the top ten markets for British investors buying...

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