Housing market

Buy to Let – Is it still a good investment or is it time to sell?

Tax changes are simply a fact of life, but they can have a direct bearing in our financial health and it is therefore a good idea to reassess investments in the light of changes to the tax regime, to see if the numbers still add up. The team at Property Cash Buyers have broken down the new tax changes landlords are facing as well as how they may apply to different situations. A tax “triple...

Upcoming Changes to UK Property Tax

We are now about a year into the several year-long period in which profound changes will be made to the way landlords are taxed on their properties. Things have already changed quite a bit since the 2015/16 tax year, but with the new tax year approaching and the start of one of the most major changes in recent history nearly upon us, we are perhaps only now getting to the point where reforms really...

Prime Central London House Prices Hit Record High in 2016

Although it’s now the fourth month of 2017, The Land Registry – the only definitive source of actual property transactions and prices paid data – has only recently published the complete data of housing activity for 2016. Although it may seem a long time to wait for it, because it is the only true reflection of exactly what was paid, what was sold and when, it is definitely worth some...

Are Mobile Homes Worth It?

Going Modular: A Growing Trend It seems the whole world is catching on to the benefits of modular design. Retailers like IKEA have caught onto the benefits and have brought the terms “modular” and “modern” together in the same space. Other industries are catching on as well. Businesses are starting to favor modular storefronts, too, as they are simple and inexpensive to set up,...

Australian Real Estate Market Being Gutted?

With interesting decisions and data surrounding the different Australian real-estate markets, it appears there could be some activity that is not in the best interest of Australian’s. Sydney has shown great increase in the last few years, with 13% improvement from just last year. The property valuation Sydney has seen prices consistently increase, creating potential for international investors. As...

Top Australian suburbs in 2017 for property investors and buyers

Buying your home instead of renting or acquiring a property or investment purposes has long been a popular strategy for creating long-term wealth. However, your success in the real estate game will depend on buying the right suburbs at the right time. Where to find the best suburbs to buy a first home or invest in? Let’s put it out there – there’s no such thing as the...

Modular Construction as the Future of Home Building

Manufacturers have used the assembly line to create everything from cars to shoes for more than 100 years. Even as far back as 1913, they saw a six-fold decrease in production time by employing this strategy. However, assembly line production never made its way to the mainstream of construction industry until now. Perhaps this resistence to change is why productivity in this field has been on a steady...

Finding respite in Vancouver’s harsh real estate climate

The real estate market in Vancouver has been going through some serious changes in the past few months, and while it has been beneficial for some, for a few it has been less than rosy, and there has been a lot of uncertainty clouding the minds of new investors in the market. Rising costs of rental units, and scarce vacancies. Recent studies have shown that there are an estimated 10,800 empty houses in...

Spanish Property Prices Stronger As Brits Lead The Way

Record-low interest rates , new Flights from low cost airlines and unconventional stimulus pushing down borrowing costs across the Europe and Spain are having a positive effect on the housing markets. Spain with its additional stimulus from overseas buyers appears to benefiting with increased demand from second home hungry Brits leading the way . Is this this good news one that could inadvertently lead to...

The Resurgence of Hull: A City on the Rise

Business growth in Hull is surging. Having been hit hard by the decline in its traditional industrial base in the 60s 70s and 80s - not least the fishing and associated industries - it has taken East Yorkshire’s largest city a while to re-establish itself. But re-establish itself it has. In addition to an established manufacturing base and the petro-chemical industry, Hull has become a leader at...

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