Home Security

Learn about the importance of having home security even when you’re renting property

If you have property that you are renting or that you would wish to rent in the future, you probably don’t see the value of having home security systems installed for a place in which you don’t even live. Regardless of that detail, it’s still property that you own or are in charge of, meaning that if something were to happen to it, you would be the one that suffers the most. The period...

Home Warranty v. Home Insurance: What’s the Difference?

Every homeowner wants to ensure that they’re covered should disaster strike. But what kind of coverage is best suited to protect you financially? Many homeowners turn to home insurance and home warranties to help them bridge the gap in case something big and unfortunate should happen – like a house fire or having your entire furnace unit give out. However, the two kinds of policies cover...

5 Ways to Secure Your Home After Moving In

5 Helpful New Home Security Tips The Excitement of a Brand New Residence It can be a joy to relocate to a brand new residence. New homes always offer so much promise. They can make wonderful and fresh starts as well. If you want to do everything you can to maximize comfort in your new residence, you should make solid security practices a big priority. There are numerous things you can do to give your...

How Best to Protect and Secure a Vacant Property

In the UK today, vacant buildings are becoming more and more common. The downturn in the economy is one reason, the increasing number of homeless people another. All kinds of properties are affected – residential, commercial, industrial, retail, and others. A vacant property often stands out like a sore thumb (long grass, a build-up of rubbish, no lights on at night), and is therefore susceptible...

Security Measures for your Home – The Products you need to Achieve them

For those of us who are responsible for a home, whether that be renting, new buyers, or homeowners, home security is absolutely paramount. It is a priority that we should never let subside. The most important aspect of home security is making sure that every single area is accounted for. From simply checking each window and door before bed to ensure it’s locked, to installing appropriate measures...

The Benefits that Come With Automating a Edmonton Home in Canada

There are so many things that a homeowner can do in order to get their residence customized. Taking the time to weigh all of the options that you have will be worth it when it comes to home customizations. Among the most popular and technologically advanced ways to customize a home is by getting it automated. These days, there are so many different options when it comes to home automation, which will...

Mystery Over Jenson Button Gas Attack Burglary

The mystery continues concerning the horrific gassing and burglary of Jenson Button and his  wife Jessica Michibata. The couple lost over a million dollars worth of belongings including a $525,000 engagement ring. The method used by the burglars has come into question with a statement from The Royal College of Anaesthetists issuing a statement some time ago concerning how difficult it was to use a gas...

10 safer home security tips

Whether you live in a pokey city flat or a spacious country mansion, it’s important to make your home as secure as possible. While some parts of the UK are notoriously more peaceful than others, crime can happen at any time to any one, so here are ten tips to ensure your property is as safe as it can be. 1.     Protect your windows Habitual burglars know how to break through a...

Security Factors to Keep in Mind When Buying a New Home

Research conducted in 2003 showed that only 40% of first time buyers considered security when buying their first home.  These are interesting stats when you consider that new homeowners are twice as likely to be burgled as those that have been living in a property for over a year.  These stats may sound worrying, but if you take the time to assess the area you are moving to, and the security...

Top 11 tips to keep your open house safe

After discussing the pros and cons of an open house, you may well have decided to hold an open day to attract as many buyers as possible to see your property. With in-person viewings, though, come security concerns: while your property listing online is remote and secure, an open house essentially invites strangers into your home, opening your property up to the possibility of theft...

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