Great ways to make your Dubai home much more attractive to potential buyers

Are you looking to make your Dubai home more attractive to buyers? If you’re considering selling via a Dubai property agency, there are a few things you can do to encourage a quick sale. Here are five improvements you can bring into your home that are guaranteed to make your home more inviting for potential buyers. Intense cleaning If you intend to sell your home, you need to clean it properly; a...

Top tips for renovating a buy to let property on a budget

The buy to sell market can be extremely lucrative. Many people have turned buy to let properties into a profitable career. However, it isn’t something you can get into without having funds already in the bank. The saying ‘You have to spend money in order to make money’ is certainly true when it comes to renovating buy to let properties. There are many jobs you may need to undertake such...

5 home improvements to boost your sales price

    When trying to sell your home, it is important get the best possible price. Last week, we gave you some simple steps to make sure your price is the right figure to secure a sale. What if you still need those few extra pennies from your price tag? What if you are trying to make a profit?   A simple bit of DIY can help to increase your property's worth, by adding an extra room or by...

Easy DIY fixes for annoying accidents at home

‘Home sweet home’ might be a term used to describe the place you live as an oasis or sanctuary away from the world, but sometimes home repairs can really drive us up the wall. Some accidents and hiccups can inevitably happen throughout your home-owning life. Rather than paying out of your pocket, it’s worth learning some easy DIY fixes that you can carry out yourself when you come across...

What to Avoid When Re-furbishing Your Home

What to Avoid When Re-furbishing Your HomeRefurbishing your home can be a fun and rewarding DIY project for you and your whole family to undertake. You can decide to renovate a room to make it more spacious, or refurbish an old house before moving in. Either way, you are sure to give your home a new lease of life with a few additions and tweaks here and there, be it space-saving showers or well-placed...

Broken Britain: 50pc of Homes Need Repairs

A new report has revealed that around half of Britain’s 7 million homeowners admit that their properties are currently in need of repair, bringing a whole new meaning to the expression ‘Broken Britain’. The findings come from research by mortgages and secured loans broker, which reveals a list of key repairs going unaddressed in properties throughout the...

3 essential tools for DIY fanatics and trade pros

Most guys have a range of home power tools lying around their garages, but when it comes to investing in some professional-grade power tools, careful consideration needs to be made. Often costing considerably more than conventional DIY tools, professional tools by brands such as Worx tools, Bosch and DeWalt provide the comfort, quality and durability needed for tools being used day in, day out. So what...

Cutting Costs: 8 Ways to Save Money on Your Homes Energy Bill

The costs associated with buying a new home aren’t exclusive to just the structure itself. Once you move in, there are plenty of other expenses to worry about. Although some of these are inevitable and uncontrollable, you do have a direct effect in how high your utility bill is. With that said, here are seven ways to save money on your home’s energy bill. Invest in Ceiling and Window...

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