Commercial Property

Commercial building lighting retrofits can save money on electrical bills

Managing a business can be a tough process. With rising prices and stiff competition, it is important to carefully consider the various overheads involved with the business and adapt accordingly. Most companies look to lay off personnel, withhold bonuses and increases prices of their services and products. While sometimes these methods are justifiable and necessary, there could be less strict alternatives....

Six of the world’s most impressive commercial buildings

There are millions of buildings all over the world, many merely boring clones of others. Office blocks can be the worst offenders, often opting for efficient yet dull aesthetics. Thankfully when certain companies become successful they’re willing to push the boat out and commission far more exciting designs for commercial buildings across the world. Tour CMA CGM, France Standing at 147m tall in...

The Top Property Guide: To Retail Premises

Buying a property is pretty darn stressful. You’ve got to figure out every facet of your soon-to-be home, hope it’s as much of a fixer-upper as you assume, sign up for monthly mortgage repayments (your hand quivering as you sign) and spend hundreds of pounds searching for the perfect interior design choices. But what about when you’re on the hunt for a premises you’ll stay in...

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