Why should I buy a condo?


Condominiums, or condos for short, are rapidly increasing in popularity. But what is a condo? It’s like an apartment that you own. While it’s private, its located within a larger residence or community, such as a tower block or unit. Those living in a condo like Brentwood condos will share areas with other residents, such as swimming pools, fitness centres and gardens. Everyone will pay for these amenities to stay in good condition, but you’ll need your own individual condo insurance.


So, thinking of getting a condo? Here’s why you should.



If you’re not sure whether to buy a condo or to continue renting, one of the great things about buying a condo is that you can decorate it however you like. While your communal spaces belong to everyone, your condo belongs to you. So, paint the walls pink, have a disco room and embrace your love of faux fur… If you want. 



Condos are great because they have a higher level of security. Many offer gated or locked entrances and have security professionals on the premises. This means that there’s a smaller risk of robberies or break ins. Plus, if anything does happen, it’s more likely that someone will have seen something suspicious.


Low maintenance

If you find mowing the law tiring and don’t want to clean the pool, then owning a condo is definitely the right decision. This is because condos have maintenance staff who do that work for you. But owning a condo doesn’t mean you can be bad-mannered. Make their lives easier by respecting the communal areas and not making a mess.



We’ve already talked about the communal pool, fitness centres and gardens, but it requires another mention in relation to the cost. Most apartments that come with these kinds of amenities are much more expensive and out of reach for the average home owner. So, if you love a morning dip in the pool or a lunch-time sunbathe, a condo is the right choice for you.



Condos are rapidly becoming more popular because of the amenities and price. So, if you’re someone who likes to stay up to date with current trends, buying a condo is a good decision. Be the envy of all your friends with your modern, trendy condo!



Most condos are situated close to thriving towns with plenty of shops. So, instead of living in a residential street miles away from a grocery store, you’ll be a stone’s throw away from city life. This means that you can easily walk or cycle to the action and don’t have to bother with an arduous commute. Convenience is key.



Many people enjoy how sociable living in a condo is. They get to know the other residents and have a community of friends on their doorstep; making the variety of amenities even more enjoyable.



Ok, so some people don’t like the fact that living in a condo means more rules. But, for some, it’s an added perk. Those who like neighbours who respect boundaries, keep the noise down and don’t come with twenty cats will appreciate living in a condo.


The rules are there not only for your safety but to make your living situation as comfortable as possible. You are less likely to find people leaving a mess in the communal areas, or displaying unsociable behaviour – people don’t want to get strict warnings that could potentially lead to them getting evicted from their living space.


All in all, condos have a lot to offer but like with anything that requires a big change, do your research before making an informed decision. Visit different types of accommodation and see what is best suited to you.

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