August 2022

4 Mistakes To Avoid When Buying A Second Home

  Buying a second home is another huge step in increasing your investment portfolio. Not to mention that it can also be exciting and overwhelming. Nevertheless, you have it rented or use it as a vacation home. Regardless of how you want to use this property, you want to ensure you get the most out of it.  As with other types of purchases, investing in a second home isn’t without risks....

How to Make an Efficient Construction Plan

  The planning phase of a building project begins well in advance of the drawing of any plans. Rather than the commencement of the planning process, plans are actually toward the finish. Before any design work can begin, it is necessary to identify the members of the team, as well as the project's goals, scope, and the method through which the team will collaborate.  In the world of building...

Securing Finance For An Unusual Property

Borrowing money for property can be challenging at the best of times. However, if your property is unusual in any shape or form, this can make it even more complicated. If you encounter an unexpected issue along the way or your real estate deal is a bit different from the norm, this can make it more difficult for you to get the finance you need. However, it is certainly not impossible. With that being...

Land Developer Damon Becnel Shares Seven Locations That Young Professionals Are Flocking To Move To

  Move over, New York and Los Angeles. According to land developer Damon Becnel, the seven locations young professionals are currently flocking to are New Orleans, Nashville, Austin, Charleston, Denver, and Portland. As a prominent figure in the industry, Becnel has his finger on the pulse of the nation's housing market. He's seen first-hand where young professionals choose to live and is privy to...

Benefits of Shopping for Property Online

  Going from one town to another looking for a house to purchase can be not only time-consuming and costly but also quite challenging and tiring. The hassle of dealing with brokers can also make the entire process cumbersome. However, the real estate market has significantly evolved in the last few years, creating more ways to link home buyers and sellers. Today, there are dedicated real estate...

EB5 Investments – Policy and Procedure

  Like many other countries, the United States offers foreign investors great opportunities when they invest in the country. However, you still need a VISA to enter the country to invest. The VISA investors will use the employment fifth preference, or ‘EB-5’ immigrant visa, which guarantees permanent residence upon entering the US, like a green card. To get the EB-5 VISA, investors...

How to Plan and Manage Your Own Construction Project for Your Home

  Plenty of people choose to let professionals take charge of remodeling and renovation work carried out on their properties, including the administrative side of this process. Of course for the more adventurous and visionary homeowners, the prospect of planning and managing a construction project of this scale might appeal. If that describes you down to the ground, then hang tight as we look at...

Adding Commercial Land to Your Assets Portfolio: Beginners Guide

Commercial real estate can be an incredible wealth-builder. Unlike any other land investment option, commercial properties can offer you cash flow, appreciation, tax breaks, and many other perks. Moreover, commercial real estate is historically a risk-balanced investment that offers returns that are well positioned between the high volatility of stocks and the low volatility of bonds. Therefore, these...

Things to consider for your holiday rental property

  Owning a rental property can be a very lucrative and rewarding investment. Once you own the property there are lots of things you should consider to ensure customers have an enjoyable experience and want to return again and again. Word of mouth is very influential within the holiday home market, so it benefits you greatly if your guests are speaking highly of your property. Local...

UK Equity Release Candidates Should Seek Independent Financial Advice

Equity release and steady house prices in the UK mean a surge in equity release plans industry figures from Key Later Life Finance, an equity release company, showed that sales of equity release plans surged 21.4% in the first quarter of the year compared to the same point in 2021. The value of equity released reached £1.4 billion - the highest on record - with the average amount being released...

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