June 2022

Tips for Designing the Interior of Your First Condo

  Buying your first condo is a huge achievement and an exciting time in life, whether you invest in the property by yourself, with a partner, sibling, good friend, family member, or others.  There are all sorts of factors to consider before settlement and when you move, but don’t let yourself get so busy with the paperwork and moving jobs that you forget to think about how you’re...

Possible Reasons You’re Spending Too Much on Home Cooling

For people who hail from warmer areas, summertime cooling costs can prove financially draining. However, when your only choices are paying a small fortune and living in an unbearably warm residence, your hands are essentially tied. While there’s no denying that cooling a home throughout the summer can be expensive, many of us actually spend a lot more on cooling costs than we need to. So, if...

Simple Scents That May Help Sell Your Home

  According to a Journal published by Erin Spangenberg (Dean of the Paul Merage School of Business at the University of California) in the Journal of Retailing, most shoppers are attracted to homes with a simple scent (orange in this case) as compared to those with a blend of scents. From the study, shoppers spend approximately 31.8% more shopping for simple scents for home décor than...

Building Your Home: Top 5 Design Trends In 2022

  As with anything, home building trends are constantly changing and evolving. And if you’re designing and building a new home, it’s good to be aware of these trends that can impact your home building projects in 2022.  It’s also beneficial if you partner with a reliable custom home builder like Leneeva Homes that can help you think out of the box and design modern and...

Buying a New Home? Here’s How to Check Its Old HVAC System

  Buying a new house is very exciting; however, it's easy to get quite caught up in the excitement of choosing your dream home.  The result is you overlook the finer details, which may cost you a lot of money down the line. Don't let the excitement of acquiring your new house distract you from inspecting the HVAC system! An HVAC system is among the most important components of any home. If...

Home improvement DIY: safety tips

    There are plenty of DIY projects out there that can help you improve your home. You don’t necessarily have to hire contractors to upgrade your home. However, if you’re taking on a significant DIY project, you need to adhere to some basic safety principles to lower the risk of accidents and ensure that the project runs smoothly. Below, we explore how you can keep yourself safe...

3 Reasons To Own A Property In Retirement

  Only 2 out of 5 of us have considered and planned for inflation when it comes to retirement, and how this is going to impact our finances. With many people getting caught out due to increasing inflation, it is important to proactively plan and take this into consideration when approaching this period of time in your life. Make sure this is not you or your family in the future. Income...

12 Things to Remember for Packing and Shipping Efficiently

    Correctly packing and shipping your furniture and household items helps ensure zero loss of important and beloved items due to breakage or spoilage. Packing your belongings is not as simple as willy-nilly dumping everything in a few boxes and hoping for the best. There are a number of ways in which you can maximise space in a box, as well as optimise the use of each box in such a way that...

8 Pro Tips For Staging Your Home For Sale

    Selling your house would never be easy unless you know someone who’s intensely interested in purchasing your home. However, if you’ve already put your property on the market and you’re still trying to catch the fancy of potential buyers, staging your home would be a great idea  House staging is a process wherein you’ll dress up your home and allow it to look...

The Essential Guide to Moving Overseas

    Moving overseas is a massive process which can be stressful and difficult if you’re not prepared! However, if you follow the advice in this guide, and prepare yourself well ahead of time, this move could be the best thing you ever do. So, how are you going to prepare for your move to a new country? Making Yourself at Home Just because you’re moving countries, there’s...

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