March 2019

4 Reasons Why You Should Buy a Property in Southern Spain

Did you know that Spain is the third-most-visited country in the world? Not only that, but Spain is also one of the most popular destinations for buying property, especially among the British. Statistics show that as of June 2018, 539,970 residential properties were sold, compared to 481,363 the year before. That is an outstanding 12% growth. Interestingly, southern Spain is the most sought-after area....

Everything You Need for a Bridging Loan

Bridging loans can be extremely useful for a property investor, especially those that require chain break finance or urgent cash for purchasing a property at an auction. However, it is important that you go through a checklist, like the below, to ensure that you have everything to meet lenders’ loan eligibility criteria. Here is what is typically required in order to apply for a bridging loan: Can...

How to Know If an Agent Is Knowledgeable

One of the most crucial decisions you will ever make is choosing the right agent who will assist you in your real estate transactions and other related endeavors. Considering that there are hundreds of agents within your local area who are all eager to offer their services, it is important to focus on the key qualities that you would want your real estate agent to embody. Let’s take a look at some...

Everything You Need to Know About Home Aircon Installation

You want new aircon for your home, but you’re afraid you don’t know enough about the buying process to find the right one. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Here is everything you need to know about home aircon installation. Equipment Placement Is Important Figuring out where to place an aircon unit is essential to the aircon installation process. The unit needs to be placed in a...

Vancouver Mortgage Broker Tips To Finding A Good Home Loan Supplier

Buying your own home is a very exciting milestone for anyone, whether you are married or not, or if you have children or not. It is an achievement that most adults hope to reach. But as with any kind of accomplishment, it does not come for free. It’s natural that you need to consider your finances when purchasing a house. If you are someone who’s a bit short on finances but would still like...

Realtor Tips for Helping a Client Narrow Down Their Must-Haves When Buying a Home

Buying and selling homes may be something you do on a daily basis, but for most people, it’s something they will only do once or twice in their lives. That can make the home buying process extremely exciting! Unfortunately, for most clients, it also means the process is a little overwhelming. As a realtor, you know that the clients you work with don’t always know what they’re looking...

Factors That Influence the Housing Market

Real estate properties represent a very important part of most people's wealth, and this is particularly true for United States homeowners. According to the federal reserve, more than 65% of Families in the United States own their own primary residence. The scope and scale of the housing market make it a productive and attractive sector for many investors. Successful real estate investors need to know...

6 Things You Can Do to Help Your Home Sell Faster

Selling your home is usually not an easy process. Even after you put your home on the market, you still must wait for someone who wants to buy it. This can take weeks or even months, giving your future some uncertainty. For many this uncertainty is frustrating, and they wish there was something they could do to sell their homes faster. If this sounds like you, you’re in luck. There are actually a...

Finding The Best Online Real Estate Courses

Choosing a career can be difficult, time-consuming, and even frightening. This is often because many people get to thinking about the implications of the decision and become overly concerned with making the right choice. It is important to remember, that you are not always going to make the best decision and that is okay. Also, there are times when one decision may be the best thing when you make, but...

7 Considerations Before Buying Your First Home

Owning your own home is a big ambition for most people in the UK, but it’s not necessarily always the right move for everyone. It’s probably the biggest financial decision you’re going to face in your life and should not be taken on simply because it is seen as a natural next step in society. You need to be sure that you can afford all the costs involved in the process of buying a...

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