September 2018

The Benefits of TDX 20 Over R-22 Refrigerant

For decades, the default refrigerant of choice in HVAC systems was R-22. This refrigerant was a replacement for older CFC based gases, which were phased out because it was discovered that they were bad for the ozone layer.  Sadly, as with many man-made compounds, it was later found that R-22 is not exactly environmentally friendly either, so the world’s governments got together to find...

Things You Should Do Before Relocating To a Different State

So, you have decided to take the leap of faith and move to another state. This might be discouraging, but the decision to pack up and move across the state borders is the easy part. Moving calls for careful preparation and proper planning so that the process can be crowned with the kind of success you would like to achieve. If you want things to run in a smooth manner, you cannot plan the whole move...

Can banning foreign nationals from buying existing properties help New Zealand’s real estate sector?

Foreign nationals, especially, the Australians and Chinese happen to be the biggest real estate investors for the nation.  With an intention to control the rising prices of houses, the New Zealand government has now made changes in its law to ban foreigners from buying existing properties.  On August 15, the New Zealand Parliament passed its Overseas Investment Amendment Bill and brought the...

What are the reasons behind the Canadian real estate market’s slowdown?

Compared to the last year, the Canadian real estate market has considerably slowed down. Experts suggest that the number of empty homes in the Greater Toronto Area is increasing rapidly. Most of the homeowners are on a wait and watch mode as they believe prices will come back to 2017 level after a few months. Before the last year’s slowdown, properties were selling above their asking price and that...

Will Brexit affect the UK mortgage and real estate markets in the most negative way?

Buyers are willing to wait until they get an idea about the negotiations that Britain may make during the Europe exit. Britain’s departure from Europe is coming closer, and perhaps this is the reason, the housing market has come to a halt. Between May 2017 and 2018, Britain’s real estate market did witness positive activity. However, the growth reported in the South East and East of England...

Brexit: Is it Time to Repatriate?

Hard Brexit, soft Brexit, no Brexit, our news channels are bombarded daily with apocalyptic predictions for what to expect in the aftermath of however Brexit takes place next year. There’s no doubt that, however it happens, Brexit will have far-reaching consequences not only in the UK and EU but also worldwide. One sector that is already feeling the financial impact is the overseas property market...

The Benefits of Installing a Garden Windmill In Your Backyard

The paradigm of energy production is shifting in entirety. Massive power plants, which heavily rely on fossil fuels are becoming unattractive day by day. Instead, small-scale and widely distributed energy generation schemes are becoming more relevant. Going green in energy production is the new cool. Fire Tables and Backyard windmills are incredibly attractive ways of decorating your garden as well as...

Easy Home Improvements to Help Your House Sell Fast

When you are looking to sell your home you will generally come up against a pretty competitive market place where a quick sale is sometimes difficult unless you are offering a particularly low price or have something very unique about your home.  There are many different things you can do to make your home stand out from the rest of the crowd which include the following: Conversion of Garage This...

The Most Efficient Way to Pack Moving Boxes

So, you’re ready to move. The destination is chosen, you’ve hired the best movers Kansas City has, and now it’s just the packing you have to do. You might think packing moving boxes is as simple as putting stuff in them and closing them, but it is a lot more nuanced than that. There is a science to packing moving boxes efficiently and mastering it is going to make the moving process...

5 Real Estate Tips for First Time Home Buyers

Millennials might be known to shy away from the prospect of home buying but that doesn’t mean every young adult today has already abandoned the idea of becoming homeowners. A lot of people still work hard to buy their first home. This major milestone is still considered as a great step into adulthood and if you’re one of them, you need to know a few important things before you pore through...

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