June 2017

Why choose tiles for the family home?

When you’ve got a family we know how hard it can be to find a floor and wall material that will be able to handle the daily challenges that the kids may throw at it - in come cases literally. Not only that, but this material also needs to be able to stand the test of time to give you the best value for your money, especially considering how much you’ll be spending on things like school uniforms...

Why Bal Harbour Florida Penthouses Are Ideal For Foreign Buyers

Bal Harbour is a village in Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States and if Homesgofast.com latest listing is anything to go by it features some stunning real estate. It now seems the ideal place for high-end international buyers to consider as the next best place to call home.  As of 2000, speakers of English as a first language accounted for 58.29% of residents, while Spanish was at 35.14%,...

Three Ideas for Redecorating your Living Room

Living Room. Longue. Sitting Room. Whatever you call it, the main purpose of this room is to create a comfortable space for the whole household to relax. If you are just looking for inspiration or planning to completely redecorate, here are three ideas that will be sure to help with decision making – even if you have a tight budget. 1) Coloured Lighting Coloured lighting is becoming increasingly...

Britain’s top 3 areas for property investments in 2017

The housing market is an ever-changing environment, one that even the most-experienced real estate advisor will find hard to predict accurately. With this in mind, it makes sense to follow your instinct if you feel that an investment can turn into great profit. This is even more true at this particular moment in time: the UK market is going through a shaky period and a daring attitude is needed to find...

Bedroom Hacks that Will Help You Sleep

Do you think that your bedroom design has much to do with the fact you’re not getting much sleep right now? Well, according to this article on Made.com, 91% of Brits agree that it does, saying that their bedroom environment impacts their sleep. So, shouldn’t we be paying attention to the way we design our rooms to avoid this? Here’s how you should design your room to ensure you’re...

Best homes you can buy in Melbourne

Melbourne is expanding rapidly, with almost 2000 people moving to this highly liveable city every week. Therefore, although the well-known areas continue to be popular amongst home buyers, many completely new or formerly industrial locations are undergoing significant transformation to become the newest residential hotspots. So if you are buying today, what should you look for? See below for our tips on...

Things You Need to Know Before Building a Granny Flat

An extra room within the residential property is always a welcome addition. As a secondary dwelling, granny flats usually come complete with almost all the facilities found in the primary dwelling. Whether detached, attached or part conversation of the main dwellings, they usually come complete with a living area, kitchen and bathroom. Some of them especially those completely detached from the primary...

5 Ways To Make Your Open House More Memorable

Are you preparing to sell your house? Does the idea of an open house seem daunting? It is important to make your home look as appealing as possible to attract potential buyers. Read on to discover a few tips and tricks that’ll make your open house more memorable - your house will be sold in no time. Take Advantage of New Technology Do you have Snapchat? Have you seen and used the cool new...

Best Gadgets To Get For Your New Home

Have you recently moved into a new home? Looking for some cool yet practical gadgets to make the place more interesting? Look no further. Read on to discover some of the best gadgets to get for your new space. All products mentioned can be found on Gear Hungry – an independent digital magazine dedicated to delivering you the very best and bizarre gadgets. Smart Bluetooth Padlock The majority of...

Ways to Introduce Traditional Touches to Your Bedroom

Your bedroom is the one room that you want to be welcoming, relaxing and cosy. Whilst the rest of your home’s décor may follow a consistent theme, your bedroom is a space that you can make a little more personal and have some fun introducing colours, styles and details that reflect your personal style. Here is a selection of décor tips to help you design a bedroom that you feel...

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