April 2017

Top five places to visit in the UK

Where are the best places to visit in the UK? This infographic from Mayday travel coach hire London will walk you through the best locations in the UK, these locations include places such as London, Cornwall and Blackpool. All three have so many tourist attractions and so much history so it any of these would be a perfect destination for a family...

5 Good reasons to heat your home with oil

Should you heat your home with oil or gas, electric or renewables? If you’re one of the 4 million households not connected to mains gas and/or electricity, this is a question you may find interesting. In most cases, the heating system will already be in place when you buy your home, but heating oil is an option you should definitely consider. Here are 5 compelling reasons why it’s a good...

Adding Curb Appeal To The House You Want To Sell

The home that has a really high curb appeal will bring in higher prices and will be sold much faster. Simple tasks like replacing the vinyl siding will not get the job done. Beautifying and maintenance tasks are those that will create a huge difference. What you should realize is that how the home looks when viewed from the street will potentially add thousands to overall value while drastically cutting...

How To Inspect A Home’s HVAC System

When you buy a home you do want to be sure that the HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning) system works properly. That is because when this is not the case you can easily end up faced with huge repair costs and lower home temperature efficiency. Buying something that does not work well will automatically make the investment really bad. The good news is that you can easily get a home inspection...

Buyer Home Inspections And Why You Need Them

When looking at the number of home inspections done we can see that most of them will be performed by a home buyer that is looking to safeguard some sort of issue that appears with the property that is about to be purchased. Buyers find homes that they simply love at first glance but it is important to have some sort of guarantee that nothing is actually wrong with what is being purchased. We all know...

Blocked drains? Grease is the word

Sunday morning brunch and it’s your turn to do the washing up, but what to do with the fat from the frying pan? Pour it down the sink and run the hot water tap for a bit, that should do it. No, no, that won’t do it. In fact, it’s the worst thing you can do! Instead, when you’ve finished cooking, pour runny oil into a sealed container and take it to your local recycling centre....

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