Alternative Uses for Bread Baskets Around the Home

When you think of multipurpose items, bread baskets probably aren’t your first thought.  However, if utilised efficiently, bread baskets can become some fantastic and practical storage alternatives. With this in mind, here are 9 different ways you could use bread baskets around your home: A Plant Pot: Instead of purchasing a heavy, bulky plant pot, why not try a basket? Made out of natural...

How Self Storage Units Can Help When You’re Moving Abroad

Relocating is a big step, even more so when it involves moving to another country, and with so much to organise, it could be likened to a major logistical challenge. Moving house in the same town is no easy thing, but when oceans apart, it takes on a whole new meaning. If you are about to relocate to pastures new, here are some things to consider. Timing the Move This is difficult at the best of times,...

Constructed Comforts | 6 Things to Consider When Building Your Dream Home

Building a new home can be a minefield - take it from me. I underestimated just how naive and ignorant I was about the whole process and I let everyone from the agent selling the land to the home builder dupe me with slick sales talk, somehow convincing me that the design I desired was not as practical, stylish or aesthetically pleasing as their stock standard setups.  What I now realise is that...

Stuff You Need to Know About Locks and Which Type is Suitable for Your Home

Whatever the reason you’re investing in new locks for, whether that’s because crime rates are up in your local area or you’d like to enjoy the peace of mind that residing in a secure home is known for delivering, there are many things that you need to know about locks if you’re to select the best kind of lock for your home. Here are a few insightful points to think...

7 Common Mistakes During a Home Extension

While a home extension promises so much, there are also pitfalls and things to avoid when designing and building onto a property. The project might end up costing twice as much as originally planned, or it could run on a few months over the scheduled deadline, and to avoid some of the common failures, here are some helpful hints on things to watch out for. 1.Hiring the Wrong Builder – This will...

Your dream home

Everyone has a dream home. They can simply close their eyes and start going on and on about the features and appearance of it. Some might have ornate swimming pools while others contain cutting edge decor and a few will be simply eco-friendly dwellings designed with preservation in mind. However, the devil is in the details and it’s no different when it comes to finding a dream home. While most...

6 Phone Numbers you Must Have on your Speed Dial

Managing the home involves a lot more than doing the washing and ironing, and with so many things that can go wrong, you need an army of specialists at your disposal. There are, of course, things we can do in the repair sector, and some people are more adept than others, but unless you are a professional builder, there will be times when you need some expert assistance, and very often it could be an...

Mistakes To Avoid When Selling Your Home

The decision to sell your home is not always easy – especially if you have lived there for many years or perhaps raised your family there, a great deal of emotion can be associated with the idea selling your home.  In addition to being potentially emotional, the process is also very time-consuming, particularly if you decide to do it on your own.  And, of course there is a...

London’s Quirky Festivals!

England’s capital city of London is a popular with visitors all year round. As the autumn has well and truly arrived and the run up to Christmas slowly begins, we’ve selected a few options that should be at the top of your list to visit. A day of celebration November 12th marks a fantastic occasion in London: The Lord Mayor’s Show! The entire day is dedicated to welcoming the new Lord...

Compare Home Heating Systems and Choose the Right One for You

Whether you are building your dream home or upgrading the heating system in your existing house, you may have realized by now that there are several choices on the market. How does a homeowner decide which type of heating unit will meet their needs the best? You could conduct a survey of your friends and family, visit websites that make various promises about their product, or talk to an expert that you...

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