December 2016

5 Best Spots for Retirees in 2017

There are number of things people look for when they search for the ideal retirement haven including ambient climate, affordability, easy access to healthcare and close proximity to shopping and entertainment venues. With these in mind, let's have a look at the five best spots for retirees in 2017. Maybe one of these is just the perfect location you're looking for. 1. Costa Rica Retiring overseas is...

Minimalism in Bathrooms and Shower Screens in Perth Australia

It’s a fact that the humble bathroom is now turning into planned minimalistic designed rooms with a huge increase in importance for homeowners. Looking at real estate listings in Perth Australia  you can see that bathrooms have now got a new lease of life in many properties in Perth. The residential population of 2.02 million of this Australian city benefit from a great Mediterranean climate,...

What to Do With the Stuff You Don’t Want to Move

It takes weeks to unload your bookshelves, empty your closets, and clear your cupboards, wrap your belongings in protective shells, pack boxes efficiently and effectively, and move. No matter how big your home is, moving is time-consuming, exhausting work - and the more stuff you have, the longer it takes. It’s enough of a hassle to move what you can’t live without - but moving stuff you...

Finding respite in Vancouver’s harsh real estate climate

The real estate market in Vancouver has been going through some serious changes in the past few months, and while it has been beneficial for some, for a few it has been less than rosy, and there has been a lot of uncertainty clouding the minds of new investors in the market. Rising costs of rental units, and scarce vacancies. Recent studies have shown that there are an estimated 10,800 empty houses in...

Reasons Why You Should Apply for A Long-Term Mortgage

Long-term mortgage has become increasingly popular because most people find it difficult to pay off their mortgage instalments. With a long-term mortgage, you can reduce your monthly payment and reduce pressure on your finances. As we all know, a mortgage is a secured loan where the purpose of the loan must be specified to the lender to purchase an asset in terms of property. The asset would be legally...

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