September 2014

7 super eco moving home tips!

Just as with any other human activity, the choices we make when faced with the task of moving house can expand or shrink our use footprint on earth. And, as in other areas, a little careful thought in advance can ensure that our impact on limited earth resources is minimal. A time in transition can be stressful, but eco-friendly choices abound as we work to change living quarters. Many of these ideas fix...

How do sell my home in autumn?

As the sky becomes clouded and the nights get darker, there is little doubt that summer has departed and autumn has arrived. With it, though, comes a wave of positive light for the housing market: as people return to their normal routines after holidays away, buyers resume their house-hunting.  Activity and demand for homes is always higher during the September and October months,...

What Insurance Do You Need When Buying Your Home?

 When buying a new home, insurance is not always the first thing that comes to mind. You may have life insurance, health insurance, vehicle insurance, and even the best dog insurance, but what about when you purchase a home? First off, you need home insurance in order to provide protection for your personal property in case of accidents or when damage is done to your property. There are two types...

Adding Value To The Home With Self Improvements

  Whether you are looking to sell your home, or just increasing its value for the future, the most important thing to know is where to spend for self-improvements in order to increase the value of your home. If you don’t spend on the right stuff, chances are you won’t be getting back the money that you spent on improvements when you sell your house. Focus on the things that are important...

When will buying be achievable for you?

According to housing charity Shelter, nearly two million 20-34 year olds are stilling living at home with their parents. This “Peter Pan generation” are unable to afford to put down a deposit on their own home, and even more worryingly, many of them are unable to afford to rent a property.  Parents of many young people are having to lend them money for a housing deposit and this has...

Tips when renting a property for the first time

Renting a property for the first time can be a daunting prospect. I’ve had to do it, as have most people in this country. It’s necessary, as the alternative: buying a house with a mortgage is too expensive, and too difficult. It just makes sense to rent. If you’re worried about it, take a look at this e-book as it should help you out.  For more information visit The Gumtree...

7 grammar mistakes to avoid when selling your home

Spelling may not top your list of priorities when selling your home, but it will be at the top of a buyer's list, even if they do not realise it. An incorrect word or an unreadable sentence can distract your buyer from what they are meant to be doing: admiring your property rather than analysing your listing. If a strong photo makes a good first impression, then correct grammar avoids leaving a...

Why not let instead of sell?

It can be a difficult and tiring process to sell a house. The whole process can take months and even years because it’s a big financial investment. Couples and families will take their time weighing up the pro’s and con’s of your house so don’t be surprised if the process takes linger than you thought it would do. But what if you didn’t have to sell your house? What if you...

5 important things to consider if you can really afford to move house

Photo: Mark Hillary As you look around the latest homes for sale in your neighbourhood or in a desirable town, you realised how badly you want to move. However, moving to a new house is not all about desire. You also need to be able to afford it. Carefully reviewing your financial situation will help you determine if this move is smart or even possible. Will you need a new mortgage for a new house? Can...

How do I sell my home in Cyprus?

Market overview Tourism in Cyprus has boomed in recent years and the property market has grown with it. The two have become almost inseparable on the island: the Mediterranean climate, so appealing to overseas visitors, is a strong part of its attraction for expats. The retirement market for those looking to relocate abroad is a strong component of the Cypriot property industry. It is no surprise that the...

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