Investment Property

Investing in Fort Lauderdale Real Estate

There is good news for real estate investors. Experts have just revealed that the state of Florida, specifically Fort Lauderdale real estate prices are going back to how they once used to be, making the state an ideal place to invest in today. But can you be so sure that this boom in estate prices will stay for a long time to come? There is always a risk but as far as analysts are concerned, the price hike...

Investing in South Florida Real Estate

Investor of today has to be extra careful because of today's unusual challenge they have to face due to the economic framework set by the government where the debt is downgraded and the country is facing high unemployment, fears of dip recession and crippling regulation of the government. Within this context, the investor of today has to choose amongst many different forms of difficult investing...

Britain’s top 3 areas for property investments in 2017

The housing market is an ever-changing environment, one that even the most-experienced real estate advisor will find hard to predict accurately. With this in mind, it makes sense to follow your instinct if you feel that an investment can turn into great profit. This is even more true at this particular moment in time: the UK market is going through a shaky period and a daring attitude is needed to find...

Current Market Condition for UK Brick and Mortar Businesses

The retail sector in the UK is changing fast, with online shopping one of the most important trends we have seen so far. In the latest shopping index released by Salesforce, we see that UK consumers now more than ever, use their mobile devices to shop. Last year, 43 percent of all online shopping traffic in the UK came from mobile devices, with that figure jumping to 64 percent this year. Previously,...

Landlord Tax: Buy To Let Investments Through Limited Companies

Changes to tax laws mean that many buy-to-let investors are facing heftier tax bills than they were initially expecting, causing increasing numbers to look for effective loopholes. Formerly, all the mortgage interest of a buy-to-let property could be deducted from the rental income for tax purposes, meaning that higher rate tax payers would pay 40% on the net amount. Recent changes in the law means that...

How Americans Are Getting Rich in Real Estate

If you’re moving to the United States from another country, or an American interested in striking it rich in real estate, there’s a lot to learn. However, the formula is surprisingly simple. Even in a short post like this, it’s possible to paint the picture in broad strokes. Property ownership is and always has been one of the fastest paths to prosperity in the United States of...

Why should Birmingham be a top choice for property developers?

If you Google ‘Property development – Birmingham’ you will see huge results on exciting property developments happening all over the city. Invezz put this down to Birmingham’s Big City Plan that was launched way back in February 2008. This 20-year project’s aim was to increase the size of the city core by 25% and provided a strategy to create 5,000 new homes and 50,000 new...

3 Easy Ways to Invest

Many of us are looking for ways to increase our net worth and investing is often the first idea that comes into mind. There are lots of ways to invest our money and when there are many ways to invest, we are often left confused on how to do it. Today we will talk about 4 easy ways to invest and why you should consider these methods. Property Rentals Becoming a landlord for commercial or residential...

Why it can Make more Sense to Invest in Real Estate Compared to Banking

If you’re planning for retirement, your two options are either to keep piling money in a bank account somewhere or to invest your money. There are many investments that you can choose from and each will have its own pros and cons. With this in mind, real estate can be a very sensible investment. Real estate investments are not subject to the risks that face some other investments so you’ll be...

Canadian Student Rental, Property Investments: How to Get Started and Pros

It is already well documented that when properly managed, property investments can quickly become profitable. Investing in a property close to a campus has many benefits (see below) and Canadian student rental properties are becoming increasingly interesting for investors. A good number of Canadian cities are present in any lists discussing the most desirable places to live in the world, with Toronto,...

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