Home Styling

How to make the best of your home space

Whether you have a three storey mansion in the heart of the country or a modest city flat, always make the most of the space you have. While large rooms can feel cold and empty without much furniture, small rooms can feel cluttered with too much in them, so here are several ways to ensure you get the best from your living space. Have a good clear out If your property is a little on the cosy side, a good...

Hamptons Style Homes, a Design Classic

Houses in the Hamptons are recognised the world over for their style and luxury, and it is no wonder that this style of home is often replicated. There are several design features that make homes in the Hamptons so unique, and when these features are used in the design of Australian homes, it can bring a little touch of Long Island to this country. Natural lighting is a must Homes in the Hamptons are...

Things To Consider When Extending Your Home

Every homeowner seeks to either jazz up the interiors or widen the living space, but many make the mistake of undertaking such a major project without proper planning. There are several things to consider including planning your extension, magnetic particle inspection, the materials to use, and your budget. If you’ve been thinking about extending your home but aren’t quite sure what should be...

For the home: Building an eco home theatre

Home theatres make up a growing trend in many homes that have that extra room, den or basement the calls for a larger role than merely storage space. Better yet, a home theatre room can be accessorized with eco-friendly or green components that don't leech as much energy nor threaten the family with toxic aspects. Eco home theatre building can also save its proponents money if it's done properly. A New...

Refurbishing an old table

Antique tables come in a number of styles, designs and ages and many have the potential to be refurbished, however refurbishing a table requires a great deal of care and planning.  Read on and we will tell you how to upcycle tired old tables and make them valuable, ‘modern’ pieces. Additional information is always available online so be sure to check out a few sites in addition to what you...

5 things to consider when extending your property

The idea of adding extra space to your property is a good one, especially if you want to increase the value of your property for future selling or leasing purposes. Choosing to extend your home is also ideal if your basement or attic simply won’t do for the room or home office space you have in mind. For one thing, basements are prone to moisture and may be in need of basement dewatering systems if...

Generation Green – The future of powering your home

As we become more aware of the impact of human activity on nature, we also become increasingly conscious of the measures we need to do to minimize or avert further damage to our environment. These measures and the lifestyle that promote them are often referred to as going green initiatives and sustainable living. Among the advocacies of environmentalists for going green is looking for sustainable power...

How to personalise and make your home yours with a few small touches

  Your home is a reflection of your individuality. How you decorate your house, regardless of your budget, will make a statement to the outside world about who you are. It takes time to decorate the whole home but you can always make a start with just a few touches. Work out what’s important For most people the most important feature of their lives is their family. This is a great starting...

Improve the Look and Style of your Home for a Fast Sale

In order to sell your house on the market quickly, and to receive your asking price, it is important that you take steps to ensure the property looks its best. This could make all the difference to the sale, as buyers will need to be impressed and see the potential of the property as soon as they step foot in the door. There are a few steps that you can take so that your house looks fantastic and will be...

Bring a piece of India into your home

Many of us like to bring inspiration from other countries into our homes to remind us of holidays or just because we enjoy the décor of different countries. Indian design is a modern trend as it is very colourful with a lot of strong patterns, gold and rich fabric. Gain inspiration on Indian decoration on Pinterest to help your imagination and creativity. If you’re bored of your beige walls...

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