Home Security

7 Ways to Deter Burglars

We want to feel safe and secure in our homes, but the news doesn't want us to feel that way. With a constant stream of negative and violent stories in the news, it's hard to feel secure. Thankfully, there are a few steps that you can take to deter burglars away from your home. Here are a few of them. Create Obstacles The first thing that burglars will look for is an easy target. By creating obstacles,...

Big brother data protects homes in Smart Water

Making your home secure can be a key selling point when selling your home. Police in the UK have unveiled their latest crime-busting weapon called Smartwater which is a DNA-style spray rigged up to trap burglars targeting homes in Cumbria UK.A Big Brother central database keeps a record of where it is registered, so criminals caught with the substance on them can be traced back to the scene of...

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