Home and Decor

How to Create an Energy-saving Home

With energy prices on the rise, making your home more eco-friendly will help you save money and reduce your carbon footprint. It’s simpler than you might think, too. Start with small, everyday changes to the way you use energy and water and by the end of the year you could have saved a significant amount on your utility bills. You could also consider installing a wood-burning stove as wood is a...

Top Tips to Create a Custom Designed Bedroom

Bedrooms should be a place of comfort, privacy and serenity; a place where you can fully unwind, relax and enjoy a well earned rest. If you're lucky enough to be planning a bedroom from scratch, you are about to embark on an exciting project. Designing a bedroom allows you to be creative and put your own personal stamp on the space. There are so many things to think about when creating a custom designed...

5 Green Eco Ways To Clear Rubbish

I don’t know about you, but I am always trying to find ways to help the environment.  I try to make sure that everything that I do has as little negative impact on the environment as possible.  Part of this is looking for new ways to get rid of my rubbish.  It can be difficult to find cost effective and Eco friendly ways to clear the rubbish out so I have come up with a list of 5...

Super Effective Modern Water Boilers for the Home

  Anytime you have an office, or a break room, sometimes people want instant hot water. Let’s face it the hot water from the tap just does not get hot enough sometimes. You may need it for a cup of noodles or bag of tea, or coca if the weather is cold enough. For these times you just can’t get the needed heat from the tap, so the next best option is boil the water in a micro wave. The...

To wallpaper or not to wallpaper

To wallpaper or not to wallpaper. That is the question. The simple answer is: sure. If you've got a fixer upper on your hands, wallpaper can be a fun and inexpensive way to spruce up your living space. It is pretty easy, however, to choose a style that can compromise the whole vibe of the room. Here are some tips on how to turn your offwhite drab walls into a chic and fun wallpapered...

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