Commercial Property

94 Townhome development by The Latigo Group and Scott Whittaker

Haines City Commission approves Scott Whittaker’s Sand Hill Development Gets the Green LightThe Haines City Commission gave its blessing Thursday to a landowner’s bid to increase the number of townhomes in a Sand Hill Road development from 94 to 140. To obtain the five-member commission’s unanimous backing for the increased density, Olympic Compass Pointe LLC agreed to install a six-foot-high...

Compressed Air Systems Demystified: Key Insights for Industries

  In the dynamic world of industrial operations, there exists a hidden hero, quietly humming in the background, that powers a multitude of processes. Compressed air systems are the unsung workhorses of many industries, offering versatility, reliability, and efficiency in equal measure. These systems, powered by a rotary screw air compressor, often incorporate a refrigerated air dryer to ensure...

Evaluate Site and Structures for a Master Plan in Australia: Building the Blueprint for Success

  Australia is the world's sixth-largest country in the southern hemisphere, encompassing many ecosystems, from pristine beaches and tropical rainforests to arid deserts and stunning mountain ranges. Australia's unique environment and diverse cultural heritage provide a captivating backdrop for master planning. This article will explore the process of evaluating sites and structures for a master...

A Comprehensive Guide to Construction Equipment: Types, Uses, and Benefits

  Construction equipment is the lifeblood of any construction project, providing the necessary tools and machinery to carry out tasks efficiently and effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the diverse world of construction equipment, exploring different types, their specific uses, and the remarkable benefits they bring to the construction industry. Excavators These versatile...

11 Maintenance Tips for Commercial Property Managers

As a commercial property manager, it is crucial to prioritize the maintenance of your property to ensure its longevity, curb appeal, and tenant satisfaction. Regular upkeep enhances property value and reduces the risk of costly repairs down the line.  In this article, you'll learn about eleven essential maintenance tips that help commercial property managers keep their properties in top shape. Tip...

Creative Ideas For High Traffic Areas In Office Spaces

  The modern workplace is evolving, with open-plan office spaces becoming increasingly popular. Gone are the days of cramped cubicles and private offices. With more employees in a shared space, these high-traffic areas must be functional and aesthetically pleasing. Browse the collection on LVT flooring; this is the perfect solution for any office space as it is durable and low...

Adding Commercial Land to Your Assets Portfolio: Beginners Guide

Commercial real estate can be an incredible wealth-builder. Unlike any other land investment option, commercial properties can offer you cash flow, appreciation, tax breaks, and many other perks. Moreover, commercial real estate is historically a risk-balanced investment that offers returns that are well positioned between the high volatility of stocks and the low volatility of bonds. Therefore, these...

What Type of Commercial Property is Most Profitable?

Image Source: Pixabay There’s a reason so many business owners keep their eyes on the horizon and hope that one day they’ll be able to start a profitable company. Even though starting your own company isn’t something everyone can do, the right property can make for some very profitable ventures.  If you ask most property investors whether or not they think commercial real estate...

5 Experts You Need for Your Next Commercial Building Project

  Picture: Danist Soh    It’s easy to assume that building a commercial structure is the same as building a residential one, but on a much grander scale. You might even think that you can call upon the same tradespeople you used to develop your dream home. However, commercial building projects can require people with far more skills and a great deal more planning. Before your next...

Why Construction Waste Management Is More Important Than You Think

  A common misconception is that builders put the main scope of their focus in their ability to construct a house according to the provided blueprints. However, construction waste management is an aspect of the job that most people tend to overlook.  The failure to properly conduct waste management can create unnecessary problems that will not only jeopardize your construction project, but can...

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