Florida real estate a silver lining from overseas property buyers

   The talk of London Town is the Christmas bargains on offer in stores across the shops in New York and in other cities across the USA. Surely this must mean a real estate bonanza for overseas property buyers looking for investment property overseas. The UK housing market has a shortage of homes for sale leading to constantly increasing property prices. Investors are not getting value...

Florida property time to look not buy?

Overseas property buyers may be changing their minds about emerging markets and look to Florida property as the US dollar continues to slide. It seems the ideal time to buy real estate in the sunshine state but is this really true?   The Florida property market has always been an attractive place to buy overseas property. The attraction of Florida real estate to the overseas buyer...

Florida property market indicates a silver lining

The Florida Association of Realtors recently released numbers indicating that Florida’s home sales for the year slowed significantly, when compared with figures from the year before. As the sales decreased, so have the purchase price of homes. In third quarter of 2006, Florida's housing sector continued to reflect the US national trend which is witnessing higher inventory levels of homes...

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